Reactjs trigger onClick function without click in functional component

I’m using functional component in react js , my onClick function triggers with component rendering without click on my li element ; this is my parent component that passed the handleCallDetails function as props to child component:

export default function Cartable(){      const [items , setItems] = useState(null);     const [details , setDetails] = useState(null);        function handleCallDetails(id){         if(items !== null && details === null){             let d = items.find(x => {                 return === id;             });          }     }      useEffect(() => {         axios.get(`/workflows/${mode}` ,{             params : {                 OrganizationId : "FE905B40-DA6E-4A81-8A4F-B447AA6B0EA3" ,                  Type : 2 ,                 sortorder : "desc" ,                 pageIndedx : 1 ,                  pageSize : 10             }         }).then(response => {             // console.log('response : ***************** ' , response);             setItems(;         }).catch(error => {             console.log('error : ****************** ' , error);         });     } , [mode]);                return (         <Grid container spacing={2}>             <Grid item xs={12} sm={4} md={3}>                 <div className="drt_RightSide drt_segment">                     <h4 className="drt_RightSideTitle">                         <i className="far fa-inbox"></i>                         کارتابل                     </h4>                     <ul>                         {/* <li>                             <i class="far fa-inbox"></i>                             <span>درخواست ها</span>                         </li> */}                         <li onClick={() => {setMode('pending');}}>                             <i className="fas fa-exclamation"></i>                             <span><FormattedMessage id="CARTABLE_PENDING" /></span>                             <span className="drt_badge_warning drt_NotifNum">5</span>                         </li>                         <li onClick={() => {setMode('approved');}}>                             <i className="far fa-check"></i>                             <span>تایید شده</span>                         </li>                         <li onClick={() => {setMode('rejected');}}>                             <i className="far fa-times"></i>                             <span>رد شده</span>                             <span className="drt_badge_error drt_NotifNum">7</span>                         </li>                         <li>                             <i className="far fa-bell"></i>                             <span>خارج از فرآیند</span>                         </li>                     </ul>                 </div>             </Grid>             <Grid item xs={12} sm={8} md={9}>                 <div className="drt_LeftSide drt_segment">                 */}                                              {/* cartbale list */}                     <CartableList                         items={items}                         callDetails={handleCallDetails}/>                  </div>             </Grid>         </Grid>     );  } 

and it is my child compnent that use onClick function that named callDetails:

export default function CartableList(props){      const [showbox , setShowbox] = useState(false);     const [age, setAge] = useState('');      const handleChange = (event) => {         setAge(;     };      function handleFilterBox(){         setShowbox(!showbox);     }       return (         <Fragment>                          {/* cartable list */}             <div style={{direction : "ltr"}}>                 <Scrollbars style={{ height: 400 }}>                      {                         props.items && props.items !== undefined ?                    , index){                                                                  return (                                     <div className="drt_clearfix drt_CartableItem" key={index} onClick={(props.callDetails)(}>                                         {/* <div className={clsx(drt_ItemStar , ? drt_IsStared : '')}>                                             <span><i className={clsx( ? "fas fa-star" : "fal fa-star")}></i></span>                                         </div> */}                                         <div className="drt_ItemImg">                                             <span>                                                 <img alt={userImg} src={item.pictureUrl !== undefined && item.pictureUrl !== null ? item.image : userImg} />                                             </span>                                         </div>                                         <div className={clsx("drt_ItemName" , !item.isSeen ? "drt_IsNotSeen" : '')}>                                             {item.issuerFirstName}                                             <br />                                             {item.issuerLastname}                                         </div>                                         <div className="drt_ItemIcon">                                             <Tooltip title={(props.moduleType)(item.type).name}>                                                 <span className={item.isSeen ? "drt_badge_default" : "drt_badge_primary"}>                                                     <i className={(props.moduleType)(item.type).icon} />                                                 </span>                                             </Tooltip>                                         </div>                                         <div className={clsx("drt_ItemDesc" , !item.isSeen ? "drt_IsNotSeen" : '')}>                                             {item.objectTitle}                                         </div>                                         <div className="drt_ItemStatus">                                             <span className={(props.stateClass)(item.status)}>                                                 {(props.stateTitle)(item.status)}                                             </span>                                         </div>                                         <div className={clsx("drt_ItemDate" , !item.isSeen ? "drt_IsNotSeen" : '')}>                                             <p>                                                 <span>                                                     {item.issuerTime}                                                 </span>                                                 <span>                                                     {item.issuerDate}                                                 </span>                                             </p>                                             <i className="fal fa-clock" />                                         </div>                                     </div>                                 );                             }) : ''                     }                                      </Scrollbars>             </div>         </Fragment>     );  } 

please help me to solve this problem without convert my functional component to class component and binding my function

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4 Answer(s)

The correct way is this. You need to use arrow function or else react will understand that you want to execute the function at load


<div className="drt_clearfix drt_CartableItem" key={index} onClick={(props.callDetails)(}> 


<div className="drt_clearfix drt_CartableItem" key={index} onClick={() => props.callDetails(}> 
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Change from

onClick={() => {setMode('rejected');}} 


onClick={() => setMode('rejected')} 


<div className="drt_clearfix drt_CartableItem" key={index} onClick={() => props.callDetails(}> 

But where did you define the const [mode, setMode] state

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It seems you exec your callback function immediately as it renders based on your code:


It’s supposed to be:

onClick={() => props.callDetails(} 

Is that the issue?

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It’s mainly because of piece of code onClick={(props.callDetails)(} in your child component. This code is actually executing callDetails function and passing the value immediately. One way to handle this is to wrap your function.

onClick={() => {props.callDetails(}}

A simple reason as to why onClick is not called when it is wrapped is because it is not directly passing in any value when initialised.

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