Fix overflow of div and adjust other elements

I am writing some HTML code and CSS code to display song data. For instance, the song name, artist, duration, etc… However, I realized that if I have a long song name then it overflows to the next line which is good. Though I noticed that when it does overflow then it will leak into the next element. So I am actively trying to find a way to adjust the other elements so non overlap. I realized I have my positioning as absolute, but even when I change my position style from absolute to relative, it still overlaps the values.

Below the code:

body {     color: black;      }    .centered {     position: absolute;     top: 50%;     left: 50%;     transform: translate(-50%, -50%);     text-align: center; }   .split-left {     height: 100%;     width: 20%;     position: fixed;     z-index: 1;     top: 0;     overflow: hidden;     padding-top: 20px;     left: 0;     background-color: orange;     /* background-color: #f8f7f4; */ }   .split-right {     height: 100%;     width: 80%;     position: fixed;     z-index: 1;     top: 0;     overflow-x: hidden;     padding-top: 20px;     right: 0;     background-color:red;     /* background-color:#f7f1e3; */ }  .tyler-selected {     width: 270px;     height: 150px;     border-radius: 25px;     background-color: blue;     box-shadow: 0 13px 16px 0 rgba(255, 203, 25, 0.25); }     .tyler-regular {     margin: 20px auto;     width: 80%;     height: auto;     text-align: center;     box-shadow: 0 2px 3px #ccc;     padding: 1px 1px;     background-color: #f2f1ec;     border-radius: 25px;     text-align: left;     box-sizing: border-box;     transition: 0.5s;  }  .tyler-regular:hover{     transform: scale(1.1);     background-color: #ffcb19;      }   .song-box {     width: 40%;     height: 30%;     border-radius: 10px;     background-color: #ffffff;     margin-left: 20px;     size: 30px; }     .song {     margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px;     display: inline-block;     font-size: 14px;      }   .dayOfWeek {     margin-left: 20px;     display: block;     font-size: 16px; }   .company-name {     text-align: center;     margin-bottom: 25%; }  .song-name {     margin: 7px 20px;     display: block;     font-size: 18px; }  .artist-name {     margin: 7px 20px;     display: block;     font-size: 13px; }    /*******************************/     /*     *   RIGHT SIDE      */ /*******************************/    .image-box {     /* margin: 260px 960px 210px 130px; */     width: 570px;     height: 570px; }   img {     height: 570px;     object-fit: contain;     border-radius: 30px;     box-shadow: 0 0 46px 0 rgba(255, 203, 25, 0.3); }    .track-data{     display: inline; }    header {     background-color: #14213d; }  header::after {     content: '';     display: table;     clear: both;  }  nav {     float: right; }    nav ul {     margin: 0;     padding: 0;     list-style: none; }       nav li {     display: inline-block;     margin: 0px 35px;     padding-top: 10px;      position: relative;     padding: 10px 20px;     overflow: hidden; }     nav a {     color: #ffffff;     text-decoration: none;     font-size: 23px;     letter-spacing: 0.5px;   }  li::after {     background-color: white;     content: "";     width: 0;     height: 3px;     left: 0;     bottom: 0;     transition: width 0.35s ease 0s;     position: absolute;   }      li:hover::after {     width: 100%;   }      .container {     display: flex;     align-items: center;     justify-content: center;      margin: 20px auto;     width: 80%;     height: auto;     text-align: center;     box-shadow: 0 2px 3px #ccc;     padding: 1px 1px;     background-color: #f2f1ec;     border-radius: 25px;     text-align: left;     box-sizing: border-box;     transition: 0.5s; }    .song-box-main {     width: 40%;     height: 30%;     border-radius: 10px;     background-color: #fff;     size: 30px; }   .test {     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 46px rgba(255, 203, 25, 0.30196078431372547));     width: 570px;     height: 570px;     left: 340px;     top: 255px; }   .song-data {     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     width: 306.00px;     height: 491.00px;     left: 1040.00px;     top: 335.00px; }  .week {     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     font-size: 40.00px;     font-weight: 400;         }   .song-box-data {     display: block;     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     width: 140.00px;     height: 43.00px;     left: 0.00px;     top: 83.00px; }  .song-styles {     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     -ms-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -webkit-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -ms-transform-origin: center;     -webkit-transform-origin: center;     transform-origin: center;     opacity: 1;     cursor: default;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     margin-bottom: 0.00px;     margin-left: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     padding-right: 0.00px;     padding-bottom: 0.00px;     padding-left: 0.00px;     background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);     text-align: left;     letter-spacing: 0.63px;     color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8705882352941177);     -webkit-text-stroke: 1.00px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);     font-size: 21.00px;     font-weight: 400;     font-style: normal;     font-family: Eina01-SemiBold, Arial;     text-decoration: none;     box-shadow: none;     overflow-x: unset;     overflow-y: unset;     white-space: pre;     width: 64.00px;     height: 21.00px;     left: 52.00px;     top: 13.00px; }   .rectangle-1 {     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     -ms-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -webkit-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -ms-transform-origin: center;     -webkit-transform-origin: center;     transform-origin: center;     background-image: url(./img/rectangle16.png);     background-position: center;     background-repeat: no-repeat;     background-size: cover;     opacity: 1;     cursor: default;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     margin-bottom: 0.00px;     margin-left: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     padding-right: 0.00px;     padding-bottom: 0.00px;     padding-left: 0.00px;     background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);     border-bottom-color: rgba(112, 112, 112, 1);     border-bottom-style: none;     border-bottom-width: 1.00px;     border-left-color: rgba(112, 112, 112, 1);     border-left-style: none;     border-left-width: 1.00px;     border-right-color: rgba(112, 112, 112, 1);     border-right-style: none;     border-right-width: 1.00px;     border-top-color: rgba(112, 112, 112, 1);     border-top-style: none;     border-top-width: 1.00px;     border-top-left-radius: 25.00px;     border-top-right-radius: 25.00px;     border-bottom-left-radius: 25.00px;     border-bottom-right-radius: 25.00px;     -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0px 13px 16px rgba(255, 203, 25, 0.25098039215686274));     filter: drop-shadow(0px 13px 16px rgba(255, 203, 25, 0.25098039215686274));     width: 140.00px;     height: 43.00px;     left: 0.00px;     top: 0.00px; }   .music-icon {     display: block;     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     -ms-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -webkit-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -ms-transform-origin: center;     -webkit-transform-origin: center;     transform-origin: center;     background-image: url(./img/music.png);     background-position: center;     background-repeat: no-repeat;     background-size: cover;     opacity: 1;     cursor: default;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     margin-bottom: 0.00px;     margin-left: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     padding-right: 0.00px;     padding-bottom: 0.00px;     padding-left: 0.00px;     overflow-x: unset;     overflow-y: unset;     background-color: transparent;     width: 19.02px;     height: 19.47px;     left: 21.00px;     top: 11.53px; }   .seeYouAgain {     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     -ms-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -webkit-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -ms-transform-origin: center;     -webkit-transform-origin: center;     transform-origin: center;     opacity: 1;     cursor: default;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     margin-bottom: 0.00px;     margin-left: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     padding-right: 0.00px;     padding-bottom: 0.00px;     padding-left: 0.00px;     background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);     text-align: left;     letter-spacing: 1.02px;     color: rgba(38, 38, 43, 1);     -webkit-text-stroke: 1.00px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);     font-size: 34.00px;     font-weight: 400;     font-style: normal;     font-family: Eina01-Bold, Arial;     text-decoration: none;     box-shadow: none;     overflow-x: unset;     overflow-y: unset;     white-space: pre;     width: 234.00px;     height: 34.00px;     left: 0.00px;     top: 161.00px; }   .artist-line {      display: block;     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     background-color: transparent;     width: 306.00px;     height: 21.00px;     left: 0.00px;     top: 225.00px; }   .by {      position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     -ms-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -webkit-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -ms-transform-origin: center;     -webkit-transform-origin: center;     transform-origin: center;     opacity: 1;     cursor: default;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     margin-bottom: 0.00px;     margin-left: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     padding-right: 0.00px;     padding-bottom: 0.00px;     padding-left: 0.00px;     background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);     text-align: left;     letter-spacing: 0.63px;     color: rgba(38, 38, 43, 1);     -webkit-text-stroke: 1.00px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);     font-size: 21.00px;     font-weight: 400;     font-style: normal;     font-family: Eina02-SemiBold, Arial;     text-decoration: none;     box-shadow: none;     overflow-x: unset;     overflow-y: unset;     white-space: pre;     width: 32.00px;     height: 21.00px;     left: 0.00px;     top: 0.00px; }    .artist-line-name {     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     -ms-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -webkit-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -ms-transform-origin: center;     -webkit-transform-origin: center;     transform-origin: center;     opacity: 0.9961829781532288;     cursor: default;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     margin-bottom: 0.00px;     margin-left: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     padding-right: 0.00px;     padding-bottom: 0.00px;     padding-left: 0.00px;     background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);     text-align: left;     letter-spacing: 0.63px;     color: rgba(110, 85, 2, 1);     -webkit-text-stroke: 1.00px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);     font-size: 21.00px;     font-weight: 400;     font-style: normal;     text-decoration: none;     box-shadow: none;     overflow-x: unset;     overflow-y: unset;     width: 274.00px;     height: 21.00px;     left: 32.00px;     top: 0.00px; }   .time-info {      position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     background-color: transparent;     width: 112.00px;     height: 55.00px;     left: 2.00px;     top: 276.00px; }  .duration {      position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     -ms-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -webkit-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -ms-transform-origin: center;     -webkit-transform-origin: center;     transform-origin: center;     opacity: 0.4025520086288452;     cursor: default;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     margin-bottom: 0.00px;     margin-left: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     padding-right: 0.00px;     padding-bottom: 0.00px;     padding-left: 10px;     background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);     text-align: left;     letter-spacing: 0.42px;     color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8705882352941177);     -webkit-text-stroke: 1.00px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);     font-size: 14.00px;     font-weight: 400;     font-style: normal;     font-family: Eina01-SemiBold, Arial;     text-decoration: none;     box-shadow: none;     overflow-x: unset;     overflow-y: unset;     white-space: pre;     width: 75.00px;     height: 14.00px;     left: 31.00px;     top: 2.00px; }  .minutes {      position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     -ms-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -webkit-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -ms-transform-origin: center;     -webkit-transform-origin: center;     transform-origin: center;     opacity: 1;     cursor: default;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     margin-bottom: 0.00px;     margin-left: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     padding-right: 0.00px;     padding-bottom: 0.00px;     padding-left: 0.00px;     background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);     text-align: left;     letter-spacing: 0.60px;     color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8705882352941177);     -webkit-text-stroke: 1.00px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);     font-size: 20.00px;     font-weight: 400;     font-style: normal;     font-family: Eina01-SemiBold, Arial;     text-decoration: none;     box-shadow: none;     overflow-x: unset;     overflow-y: unset;     white-space: pre;     width: 81.00px;     height: 20.00px;     left: 31.00px;     top: 35.00px; }   .clock {      display: block;     position: absolute;     box-sizing: content-box;     -ms-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -webkit-transform: rotate(0.00deg);     transform: rotate(0.00deg);     -ms-transform-origin: center;     -webkit-transform-origin: center;     transform-origin: center;     background-image: url(assets/clock.png);     background-position: center;     background-repeat: no-repeat;     background-size: cover;     opacity: 1;     cursor: default;     margin-top: 0.00px;     margin-right: 0.00px;     margin-bottom: 0.00px;     margin-left: 0.00px;     padding-top: 0.00px;     padding-right: 0.00px;     padding-bottom: 0.00px;     padding-left: 0.00px;     overflow-x: unset;     overflow-y: unset;     background-color: transparent;     width: 18.00px;     height: 18.00px;     left: -1.00px;     top: -1.00px; }
    <body>       <header>         <nav>             <ul>                 <li><a href='#'>Home</a></li>                 <li><a href='#'>Donations</a></li>                 <li><a href='contact.html'>Contact Us</a></li>             </ul>         </nav>     </header>            <div class="split-left">      <div class="company-name">         <span style="font-size: 48px;">             <i class="fas fa-headphones"></i>         </span>         <h1 style="display: inline-block;">BueField</h1>     </div>      <div class="random">         <div class="tyler-regular">             <p class="dayOfWeek">Monday</p>             <div class="song-box">                 <span style="color: #2C3A47; margin-left: 22px; font-size: 14px;">                     <i class="fas fa-music"></i>                 </span>                               <p class="song">Song</p>             </div>             <p class="song-name">See you again</p>             <p class="artist-name">By: Love me for your life</p>         </div>          <div class="tyler-regular">             <p class="dayOfWeek">Tuesday</p>             <div class="song-box">                 <span style="color: #2C3A47; margin-left: 22px; font-size: 14px;">                     <i class="fas fa-music"></i>                 </span>                               <p class="song">Song</p>             </div>             <p class="song-name">See you again</p>             <p class="artist-name">By: Love me for your life</p>         </div>          <div class="tyler-regular">             <p class="dayOfWeek">Wednesday</p>             <div class="song-box">                 <span style="color: #2C3A47; margin-left: 22px; font-size: 14px;">                     <i class="fas fa-music"></i>                 </span>                               <p class="song">Song</p>             </div>             <p class="song-name">See you again</p>             <p class="artist-name">By: Love me for your life</p>         </div>          <div class="tyler-regular">             <p class="dayOfWeek">Thursday</p>             <div class="song-box">                 <span style="color: #2C3A47; margin-left: 22px; font-size: 14px;">                     <i class="fas fa-music"></i>                 </span>                               <p class="song">Song</p>             </div>             <p class="song-name">See you again</p>             <p class="artist-name">By: Love me for your life</p>         </div>          <div class="tyler-regular">             <p class="dayOfWeek">Friday</p>             <div class="song-box">                 <span style="color: #2C3A47; margin-left: 22px; font-size: 14px;">                     <i class="fas fa-music"></i>                 </span>                               <p class="song">Song</p>             </div>             <p class="song-name">See you again</p>             <p class="artist-name">By: Love me for your life</p>         </div>     </div>         </div>             <div class="split-right">                            <div class="test">             <img src="./img/giveon-art.jpeg" alt="Spotify Cover Art">         </div>          <div class="song-data">             <h2 class="week">Monday</h2>                <div class="song-box-data">                 <div class="rectangle-1"></div>                 <p class="song-styles">Song</p>                 <div class="music-icon"></div>                              </div>             <p class="seeYouAgain">See You Again</p>                 <div class="artist-line">                                     <div class="by">By:</div>                     <div class="artist-line-name">Wiz Knalifa ft. Charlie This is too show that when i have a really really really long string it starts to overlap the other elements in the html</div>                 </div>                 <div class="time-info">                                     <div class="duration">Duration</div>                     <div class="minutes">4:54 min</div>                     <div class="clock">                         <i class="far fa-clock"></i>                     </div>                 </div>                 <audio controls>                     <source src="" type="audio/mp3">                 </audio>         </div>     </div>     </body>

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