Why Isn't For Loop Web Scraping for Href? I Appreciate Anyone Who Can Figure This Out

On the url in the "sitemap" below, I am trying to scrape the hyperlinked "Visit Website" for each office on this page.

However, I believe I am making an error with my "listings_div" variable as it does not seem to capture all the offices when I do the for loop. Thank you for your help!!

import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup  sitemap = 'https://www.bhhs.com/office-results-list?office_country=US' sitemap_content = requests.get(sitemap).content soup = BeautifulSoup(sitemap_content, 'html.parser')  listings_div = soup.find('section', attrs={'class':'cmp-office-search-results'})  for state in listings_div.find_all('div', attrs={'class':'cmp-office-results-list-view__content'}):     print(state.find('section', attrs={'class':'cmp-cta'}).get('href')) 
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1 Answer(s)

Your job is much easier now. The website uses javascript to get this information.

The below scrapes all the 141 pages.

import requests, json  results = []  for i in range(1,142):     res = requests.get("https://www.bhhs.com/bin/bhhs/officeSearchServlet?PageSize=10&Sort=1&Page={}&office_country=US".format(i))     results.append(res.json())  with open("result.json", "w") as f:     json.dump(results, f) 

Trying all the requests at once can make some requests failed. Hence, I recommend crawling the pages in batches and save the data like pages from 1-10 save the data, next 10-20 save the data etc… Next you can consolidate all the scraped results

Answered on July 16, 2020.
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