I need help getting hibernate to work from an executable jar I am making. I am using Eclipse with Maven to build the jar with dependencies. I have a src/main/java with all the code including the classes that use hibernate functions, a src/main/resources where I have my hibernate.cfg.xml, and get no errors while building the maven project and getting the executable jar I need. However, when I go to execute my jar, I am not getting connections to my database. I see that the hibernate libraries were downloaded correctly and listed in the build path in my manifest file. I have also made sure that connections to the database are possible on my computer using a simple program that simply makes a connection using JDBC with the driver on the classpath. It works fine inside Eclipse, so the code itself is not the problem, just the way everything is tied together when making an executable jar.
I can provide more details on request, but does anyone have any advice on where to check for problems? It’s weird to me that there are no errors at all but it is not working.