What are some methods of dealing with race conditions between stateless servers on a RDBMS?

We want to avoid zookeeper for now so we don’t have too many moving parts. We may add it later. For now, I am wondering how I can deal with race conditions on

  • insert
  • update

For update, we can use optimistic locking(with a version column in the table). Two inserts just plain fails. In this way, I suspect I can look for two exception types and retry preventing any race condition. Under high load, our retries in some records may go to 3 tries to get the record in (I think).

Anyways, I am wondering how others deal with race conditions among a large cluster of server on an RDBMS?

I remember in noSQL, instead of exceptions it returns the row that was just replaced so you know there was a race so to speak and can deal with that if needed.

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1 Answer(s)

If you expect lots of conflicts, use pessimistic locking:

START TRANSACTION; -- will lock the row about to be modified SELECT col FROM tab WHERE id = 42 FOR UPDATE; /* application activity */ UPDATE tab SET col = 'newval' WHERE id = 42; COMMIT; 

If you expect few conflicts, use optimistic locking, either with application tools or by using the REPEATABLE READ transaction isolation level.

Answered on July 16, 2020.
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