Using Bootstrap 3 alpha, Accordion isnt opening only on Edge. Works fine on Firefox and Chrome

Was wondering if you guys had any idea why the class collapse or even the whole accordion is not working only on IE / Edge. Here’s the code

 <td class="record-id">       <button type="button" class="btn btn-link accord-button" data-toggle="collapse" data-targets="[email protected]"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button><a style="color:#374767; text-decoration:none;" >@item.Id.ToString()</a>  </td>    $(document).ready(function () {     $('.accord-button').click(function() {         var icon = $(this).find('.fa');         var targets = $($(this).attr('data-targets'));         if(icon.hasClass("fa-plus")) {             icon.removeClass("fa-plus").addClass("fa-minus");             targets.removeClass('collapse');         }else {             icon.removeClass("fa-minus").addClass("fa-plus");             targets.addClass('collapse');         }     });   function screenListener(e) {   if (e.matches) {     $('#dashboard-tabs-collapse').addClass('collapse');   } else {     $('#dashboard-tabs-collapse').removeClass('collapse');   } } 
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