Use SELECT with field + variable in MySQL

Hello i want to select value of field id from Mysql table where this field + php varibiable is between other two values. I don’t know why doesn’t work.

$variable= 1; $sin= 1; $des= 3;  $query= "SELECT id AS id_ FROM users_table WHERE ((field + $variable) BETWEEN $sin AND $des) AND (otherfield = 1)"; 

Should works because field == 1 AND otherfield = 1

field(1) + $variable(1) == 2 // so is between $sin and $des 

field is bigint(35) and othefield is Int(1)

Please sorry my english, maybe is better to edit title

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2 Answer(s)

I am not an expert on MySQL, but from what I know, in the expression:


Field must be a column of the table rather than a value, because what you are comparing is the value of the column, not a number. What you should do is use the variable in your BETWEEN comparison. Something like:

"SELECT id AS id_ FROM users_table WHERE field BETWEEN ".($sin + $variable)." AND ".($des - $variable)." AND otherfield = 1" 

The end result after you PHP evaluates this expression would be something like:

SELECT id AS id_ FROM users_table WHERE field BETWEEN 5 AND 8 AND otherfield = 1 

I am not sure exactly what your variables represent, but you should move your operation to the comparison part.

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You are using field + $variable it means a value in MySql Field must be a column of the table rather than a value.

SELECT id AS id_ FROM users_table WHERE column BETWEEN $sin + $variable AND $des - $variable AND othercolumn  = 1 
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