Undefined element of style in reactjs

I am building a small sorting visualiser and I am getting this error even though every style property is defined . My app.js code is here The error is show at the numbers 1 and 2 (I mentioned 1 and 2 in the comments of code .

   mergeSort(){  const animations=mergeSortAnimations(this.state.array);     for(let i=0;i<animations.length;i++){     //take all the array bars  const arrayBars=document.getElementsByClassName("array-bar");  const isColorChange = i % 3 !== 2;  if(isColorChange){    const [barOneIdx,barTwoIdx]=animations[i];    const barOneStyle=arrayBars[barOneIdx].style; // 1       const barTwoStyle =arrayBars[barTwoIdx].style; // 2        const colour = (i%3 === 0)?FIRST_COLOR:SECOND_COLOR ;    setTimeout(() => {        barOneStyle.backgroundColor=colour;        barTwoStyle.backgroundColor=colour;    },i*3);   }else{      setTimeout(() => {      const [barOneIdx,newHeight]=animations[i];       const barOneStyle=arrayBars[barOneIdx].style;       barOneStyle.height=`${newHeight} px`;      },i*5);  }     } }; 

and the sorting algorithm is correct and I am new to react js .Any help would be very much appreciated.

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