The JavaScript connected to my option tag in my My php crud web application is not working tell me what's the problem in it

I am developing a crud web application using php , I successfully store data to my database but the problem is with a option tag which isn’t working with JavaScript and php and I am unable to show that database data to my front-end on click on my option app is accepting notes successfully but isn’t able to display on click on my frontend

my crud web app output

<?php $dataTable1=[]; $descList=[]; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {     $notesTitle = $_POST['noteTitle'];     $noteDesc = $_POST['noteDesc'];     //connect to db     //connect to db     $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "");          $res = mysqli_query($link, "SHOW DATABASES");     $db_list = [];     while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {         array_push($db_list, $row['Database']);     }     $dataBase = "notesManager";  function DupliChecker($DataBaseName, $db_array) {     for ($i = 0; $i < count($db_array); $i++) {         if ($DataBaseName == $db_array[$i]) {             return "Already exists";             break;         } elseif ($i == count($db_array)-1 && $DataBaseName<>$db_array[$i]) {             return "create database";         } else {             continue;         }     } }      // create a database     if (DupliChecker($dataBase, $db_list) == "Already Exists") {         echo("bye");     } else {         $sql = "CREATE DATABASE $dataBase";         mysqli_query($link, $sql);         $dataBaseLink=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","",$dataBase);              $sql1="CREATE TABLE `notesTable` (                      `sno` INT(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,                      `NoteTitle` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,                      `NotesDescription` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,                      PRIMARY KEY (`sno`)                 )";         mysqli_query($dataBaseLink,$sql1);     }     //insert data in db     //data containing table     $out = mysqli_query($dataBaseLink,"SELECT * FROM `notestable`");     while($result=mysqli_fetch_assoc($out)){         array_push($dataTable,$result["NoteTitle"]);     }   function duplicateDataRemover($data,$array){     for($j=0;$j<count($array);$j++){         if($array[$j]==$data){             return "Already Exist";         } elseif($j==count($array)-1 && $array[$j]<>$data){             return "Non-Duplicate";         }else{             continue;         }     } }      $dataBaseLink=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","",$dataBase);     if(duplicateDataRemover($notesTitle,$dataTable)=="Non-Duplicate"){         $sql2="INSERT INTO `notestable`                              (`NoteTitle`, `NotesDescription`)                      VALUES ('$notesTitle', '$noteDesc')";         $Output = mysqli_query($dataBaseLink,$sql2);         if(!$Output){             echo("the program failed due to");         }else{             echo("successfull");         }     }else{         echo("this data already exists");     } } $ele=0; $ele1=0;  $dataBaseLink1=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","notesmanager"); $out2 = mysqli_query($dataBaseLink1,"SELECT * FROM `notestable`"); while($result3=mysqli_fetch_assoc($out2)){     array_push($descList,$result3["NotesDescription"]); }  $out3 = mysqli_query($dataBaseLink1,"SELECT * FROM `notestable`"); while($result2=mysqli_fetch_assoc($out3)){     array_push($dataTable1,$result2["NoteTitle"]); }  $NoteTitleCount=count($dataTable1); $NoteDescCount=count($descList); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>   <head>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="Phpcrud.css">     <title>PhpCrud</title>   </head>   <body>     <nav>       <ul>         <li><img src="images.png" alt="php" height="30px" width="60px"></li>         <li>Home</li>         <li>AboutUs</li>         <li>ContactUs</li>         <li><img id="search" src="Search.jpeg" height="30px" width="40px"></li>       </ul>     </nav>     <form action="/noteData.php" method="post" class="container">       <h1>Add a Note to iNotes</h1>       <label for="noteTitle">Note Title</label>       <br>       <input id="noteTitle" type="text" placeholder="Note Title" name="noteTitle">       <br>       <label for="noteDesc">Note Description</label>       <br>       <input id="noteDesc" type="text" placeholder="This is a Note" name="noteDesc">       <br>       <button class="btn">Add Notes</button>       <br>       <div id="con">       <label class="Show_label" for="Show">Show</label>       <select id="Show">         <option value="Custom">Custom</option>        <option value="10" selected>10</option>        <option onclick="ShowData(10,<?php echo($NoteTitleCount); ?>,<?php echo($NoteDescCount); ?> ,<?php echo(json_encode($dataTable1)); ?>,<?php echo(json_encode($descList)); ?>)">20</option>        <option onclick="ShowData(20)" value="30">30</option>        <option value="40" >40</option>        <option value="50">50</option>        <option value="60" >60</option>        <option value="70">70</option>        <option value="80" >80</option>        <option value="90">90</option>        <option value="100" >100</option>       </select>       <label class="Show_label">entries</label>        <label id="Search_Label" for="Search_Bar">Search :</label>       <input id="Search_Bar" type="search" placeholder="Search">       </div>     </form>     <div id="notesManager">       <button onclick="ShowData(20,<?php echo($NoteTitleCount); ?>,<?php echo($NoteDescCount); ?> ,<?php echo(json_encode($dataTable1)); ?>,<?php echo(json_encode($descList)); ?>)" value="Data">data</button>       <h1><?php echo($NoteTitleCount);?></h1>       <table>         <tr id="heading">           <th>S No.</th>           <th>Title</th>           <th>Description</th>           <th>Actions</th>         </tr>       </table>     </div>     <script> function ShowData(val,count1,count2,NoteTitleList,NoteDesc) {   let tbl=document.getElementsByTagName("table");   let InsideTable = tbl[0].innerHTML;   let dataCount=count1;   let NoteTitleListCount=count2;   if(dataCount<val){     for(i=0;i<dataCount;i++){       InsideTable += `<tr class="TableData"><td>${i}</td><td>${NoteTitleList[i]}</td><td>${NoteDesc[i]}</td><td><button class="btn newbtn">Edit</button><button class="btn newbtn">Delete</button></td></tr>`;     }     tbl[0].innerHTML=InsideTable;   }         else{     for(i=0;i<val;i++){       InsideTable += `<tr class="TableData"><td>${i}</td><td>${NoteTitleList[i]}</td><td>${NoteDesc[i]}</td><td><button class="btn newbtn">Edit</button><button class="btn newbtn">Delete</button></td></tr>`;     }     tbl[0].innerHTML=InsideTable;   }   }     </script>   </body> </html> 
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