Sync all RealtimeDB data to the Google's sheet columns

For every time im adding, or editing a product through my app, I am trying to write Firebase RealtimeDB data into a Google Sheets spreadsheet through Google Appscript.

This is what my RealtimeDB looks like

enter image description here

And this is my goal for every product (ignore the blue box)

enter image description here

This is what i have done so far but i do not know how to handle the sheet ranges and add the data in those specific positions.

url=""  xpath="OMCPC150C/itembarcode"   //here im trying something but dont know how to continue for all DB values       function addProduct() {   var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();   sheet.appendRow([IMPORTJSON()]); } function IMPORTJSON(){      try{          var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);     var content = res.getContentText();     var json = JSON.parse(content);          var patharray = xpath.split("/");     //Logger.log(patharray);          for(var i=0;i<patharray.length;i++){       json = json[patharray[i]];     }          //Logger.log(typeof(json));          if(typeof(json) === "undefined"){       return "Node Not Available";     } else if(typeof(json) === "object"){       var tempArr = [];              for(var obj in json){         tempArr.push([obj,json[obj]]);       }       return tempArr;     } else if(typeof(json) !== "object") {       return json;     }   }   catch(err){       return "Error getting data";     }    } 

So please kindly guide me on how to continue

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