Spring Boot JPA with Neo4j and multiple nodes

I have created a small Spring Boot Project that takes data from a local neo4j data source ( ogm ) and hopefully will return weather data from DarkSky / OpenWeather along with later collected data from my homebrew weather station,

So the setup are 3 node entities

WeatherData DarkSky OpenWeather

My Cypher query inside the WeatherDataRepository looks like this,

@Query("Match (z:Zone),(w:WeatherData),(c:Customer),(d:DarkSky),(o:OpenWeather) where      c.ID_Token = $token" + " and (c)-[:Has_Subscribed_To]->(z) and (z)<-[:Weather_Data_For]-(w) return w as WeatherData, d "+ "as DarkSky, o as OpenWeather") 

List weather(String token);

In the webUI the query returns the 3 nodes and relationships according to the matching of each part.

So ive tried a few things inside the controller after reading from docs.spring.io around this area but have not achieved what I am looking for so obviously doing it wrong.

my current WeatherData Controller looks like,

@NodeEntity(label = "WeatherData") public class WeatherData {        private String Description; private List<DarkSky> DarkSky; private List<OpenWeather> OpenWeather;        public List<DarkSky> getDarkSky() {     return DarkSky; }      public void setDarkSky(List<DarkSky> darkSky) {     DarkSky = darkSky; }      public List<OpenWeather> getOpenWeather() {     return OpenWeather; }      public void setOpenWeather(List<OpenWeather> openWeather) {     OpenWeather = openWeather; }      public String getDescription() {     return Description; }        public void setDescription(String description) {     Description = description; } 

I have autowired the repository, so with this I am getting the description from the WeatherData Node but not the DarkSky or OpenWeather Nodes. From Postman I get the following

[     {         "description": "Weather Data From DarkSky And OpenWeather",         "darkSky": null,         "openWeather": null     } ] 

as you can see, any help here would be more than appreciated as I am still learning alot about the framework and methods on getting the data in I require.

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