Returning stackNavigator from onPress function in TouchableOpacity

I’ve been working on my first React-Native project lately. I’m having two buttons the Splash Screen through which I want to have an individual Stack navigator according to the chosen choice.


export default createAppContainer(   createSwitchNavigator(     {       SplashScreen: Splash     },     {       initialRouteName: "SplashScreen"     }   ) ); 

Splash Screen

export default function Splash(props) {   // const onPress = () => Alert.alert('Left button pressed');   const { navigation } = props;    return (     <View style={globalStyles.container}>       <Image         style={globalStyles.tinyLogo}         source={require("../icons/Logo.png")}       />       <Text style={globalStyles.logoText}>Move&Queue</Text>       <SomethingOneButton />       <SomethingTwoButton />     </View>   ); } 


export default function SomethingOneButton() {   const pressHandler = () => {     <SomethingOneButtonStackNavigator />;   };   return (     <TouchableOpacity       onPress={pressHandler}       style={globalStyles.appButtonContainerCustomer}     >       <Text style={globalStyles.appButtonText}>Customer</Text>     </TouchableOpacity>   ); } 

I’m wanting the both buttons to redirect to first screens in their stack navigators. While debugging after compiling and running the App, I came to know that both the Stack Navigators of both the buttons are already executed due to which these 2 buttons aren’t working. I’m seeking out an approach in order to accomplish this. Thanks in advance.

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