Responsive CSS grid images are overlapping

I’ve got a tarot card application that displays the back of a set of cards, then when you click on the card, which is a button the card flips over. The main issue I have is a set it up with a set of images for the front and back ~200×276. The CSS I have seems fine other than some minor alignment when the card is "flipped". My major issue is that I’ve used a larger set of images and now the cards overlap. How do I setup my grid to automatically adjust for the different sizes of the card sets images? My CSS skill is beginner level.


.btn-default {     border: none;     background: none;     display: inline-block;   height: 180px;     margin: 4px;     padding: 0; }  .btn-default:hover {     background: none; }  .card-oracle-cards {     display: grid;     grid-gap: .5rem;     grid-auto-rows: auto;     padding: 1rem;     grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(100px, 1fr)); }  .card-oracle-card {     perspective: 300px;     width: auto;     height: 180px; }  .card-oracle-card-body {     width: 100%;     height: 100%;     -webkit-transition: transform 1s;     transition: transform 1s;     -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;     transform-style: preserve-3d;     position: relative; } {     -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);     -ms-transform: rotateY(180deg);     -o-transform: rotateY(180deg);     -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);     transform: rotateY( 180deg ); }  .card-oracle-back, .card-oracle-front, .card-oracle-front-reverse {     -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;     backface-visibility: hidden;     display: flex;     flex-direction: column;     justify-content: center;     align-items: center;     position: absolute;     width: 100%; }  .card-oracle-front, .card-oracle-front-reverse {     -moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);     -ms-transform: rotateY(180deg);     -o-transform: rotateY(180deg);     -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);     transform: rotateY(180deg); }  .card-oracle-front-reverse {     -moz-transform: rotateX(180deg);     -ms-transform: rotateX(180deg);     -o-transform: rotateX(180deg);     -webkit-transform: rotateX(180deg);     transform: rotateX(180deg); }  .card-oracle-back:hover {     background: white;     -moz-transform: scale(1.1);     -ms-transform: scale(1.1);     -o-transform: scale(1.1);     -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);     transform: scale(1.1);     transition: transform .2s; /* Animation */ } .card-oracle-img-btn {     background: none;     display: block;     height: 100%;     width: 100%; }  .card-oracle-rotate-image {     -moz-transform: rotateX(180deg);     -ms-transform: rotateX(180deg);     -o-transform: rotateX(180deg);     -webkit-transform: rotateX(180deg);     transform: rotateX(180deg); } 


<div class="card-oracle-cards">   <div class="card-oracle-card">     <div class="card-oracle-card-body">       <div class="card-oracle-back"><button type="button" value="1359" id="id1359" data-value="1359" onclick="this.disabled = true;" class="btn btn-default clicked"><img width="155" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Past &#8211; Present &#8211; Future (Demo)" srcset=" 155w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 155px) 100vw, 155px" /></button></div>       <div class="card-oracle-front-reverse"><img width="320" height="620" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="The Magician" srcset=" 320w, 155w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" /></div>     </div>   </div>   <div class="card-oracle-card">     <div class="card-oracle-card-body">       <div class="card-oracle-back"><button type="button" value="1454" id="id1454" onclick="this.disabled = true;" class="btn btn-default clicked"><img width="155" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Past &#8211; Present &#8211; Future (Demo)" srcset=" 155w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 155px) 100vw, 155px" /></button></div>       <div class="card-oracle-front"><img width="320" height="620" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Judgement" srcset=" 320w, 155w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" /></div>     </div>   </div>   <div class="card-oracle-card">     <div class="card-oracle-card-body">       <div class="card-oracle-back"><button type="button" value="1404" id="id1404" onclick="this.disabled = true;" class="btn btn-default clicked"><img width="155" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Past &#8211; Present &#8211; Future (Demo)" srcset=" 155w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 155px) 100vw, 155px" /></button></div>       <div class="card-oracle-front"><img width="320" height="620" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Wheel of Fortune" srcset=" 320w, 155w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" /></div>     </div>   </div>   <div class="card-oracle-card">     <div class="card-oracle-card-body">       <div class="card-oracle-back"><button type="button" value="1374" id="id1374" data-value="1374" onclick="this.disabled = true;" class="btn btn-default clicked"><img width="155" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Past &#8211; Present &#8211; Future (Demo)" srcset=" 155w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 155px) 100vw, 155px" /></button></div>       <div class="card-oracle-front-reverse"><img width="320" height="620" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="The Emperor" srcset=" 320w, 155w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" /></div>     </div>   </div>   <div class="card-oracle-card">     <div class="card-oracle-card-body">       <div class="card-oracle-back"><button type="button" value="1389" id="id1389" onclick="this.disabled = true;" class="btn btn-default clicked"><img width="155" height="300" src="" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Past &#8211; Present &#8211; Future (Demo)" srcset=" 155w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 155px) 100vw, 155px" /></button></div>       <div class="card-oracle-front"><img width="320" height="620" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="The Chariot" srcset=" 320w, 155w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" /></div>     </div>   </div> </div> 

I’ve done an example on codepen,

Small set, that look correct

Overlapping images

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1 Answer(s)

First thing to check: "display:grid" only applies to direct children. You have divs with the class "card-oracle-cards" nested inside one another. That might be causing some problems. Try reassigning some div classes.

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