Replace Dictionary values In Scriban template Engine
I am trying to use Scriban template engine for replacing the Dictionary Values. For Example
string bodyText = "Hi, The following service(s) has reported issues. {{emailContent}} Thanks " ; Dictionary<string, string> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"emailContent", "UserManagement has following unhealthy subservice(s)"} }; var template1 = Template.Parse(bodyText); var result1 = template1.Render(new { emailContent = keyValuePairs[emailContent] }); Console.WriteLine(result1.ToString());
But I am getting an error at the Render line. Basically want to replace that emailContent with Dictionary. values. I know I am doing some mistakes at render line. Can anyone point out my mistake or give any solution for that. Thanks
There are a few mistakes in the code. I’m not sure if you are trying to also have a list of sub-services as the text depicts. If so, see this link,
var bodyText = @"Hi, The following service(s) has reported issues:{{ for service in services }} ""{{ service.key }}"": ""{{service.value}}""{{end}} Thanks "; var keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"UserManagement", "UserManagement has following unhealthy subservice(s)"}, {"DNS", "Network has following unhealthy subservice(s)"} }; var template1 = Template.Parse(bodyText); var result1 = template1.Render(new { services = keyValuePairs }); Console.WriteLine(result1.ToString());
This will result in the following:
Hi, The following service(s) has reported issues: "UserManagement": "UserManagement has following unhealthy subservice(s)" "DNS": "Network has following unhealthy subservice(s)" Thanks