Renaming an inner element cant be done as like renaming root element, while converting an xml to json using java

I have the following code with me:

import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.XML;  public class Xml2Json {          public static void main(String[] args) {                  String xmlString = "<users><user name=test1 age=20></user><report sub=eng score=30></report></users>";         JSONObject jsonObject = XML.toJSONObject(xmlString);                  jsonObject.put("employees", jsonObject.remove("users"));         System.out.println(jsonObject); }} 

It produces the output like below:


But when i tried to rename ‘report’ to ‘manual’ in the same way,

jsonObject.put("Manual", jsonObject.remove("report")); 

It didnt produced any chane in the ouput.

the output i needed is:

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1 Answer(s)

Try this:

jsonObject.put("Manual", jsonObject.getJSONObject("users").remove("report")); 

report is nested in users or employees. So first you have to get its root object.


If you want to have a json as below


then your code should be like this:

jsonObject.getJSONObject("users")         .put("Manual", jsonObject.getJSONObject("users").remove("report")); jsonObject.put("employees", jsonObject.remove("users")); 
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