Remove log4j2 default fields in JsonLayout logs

I’m trying to customize log4j2 output. For example, the default log is:

{     "instant": {       "nanoOfSecond": 943000000,       "epochSecond": 1594798374     },     "level": "INFO",     "threadId": 13,     "host": "",     "@timestamp": "2020-07-15T07:32:54.940Z",     "thread": "restartedMain",     "spanId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",     "message": "Started AppApplication in 151.183 seconds (JVM running for 152.944)",     "traceId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",     "threadPriority": 5,     "appName": "app-service",     "port": 54829,     "@version": "1",     "date": "15-Jul-2020 14:32:54,943",     "loggerName": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",     "loggerFqcn": "org.apache.commons.logging.LogAdapter$Log4jLog",     "endOfBatch": false } 

Some of these attributes are added by log4j2, like: loggerName, threadId, loggerFqcn, etc. And I want to log only needed data, for instance:

{     "host": "",     "spanId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",     "message": "Started AppApplication in 151.183 seconds (JVM running for 152.944)",     "traceId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",     "appName": "app-service", } 

How can I achieve this with customizing appender or customizing layout?

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