React animate Accordion with react-router-dom

I’ve set up an accordion that works nicely with react-dom-router. It’s got a bit of an unusual structure as the Navlink are inside each accordion body

With the intention to animate the accordion when they open and close. I’ve setup CSSTransition from react-transition-group. Now CSSTransition exposes the corresponding CSS classes such as:

.caseTransition-enter {     opacity: 0; } .caseTransition-exit {     opacity: 1; } 

And the implementation looks like:

<Route   exact   path={item.url}   children={({ match, }) => (     <CSSTransition       in={match}       timeout={1000}       classNames="caseTransition"       mountOnEnter       unmountOnExit>         <Layout>           <Tag data={data} />         </Layout>            </CSSTransition>   )} /> 

But the problem is that I would ideally need these properties to be applied to the parent element. Somehow.

Dom Tree

In the screenshot you can see the CSS properties being applied inside each accordion header. But I want the dynamic CSS classes to be applied to the accordion header itself ([data-section])

The reason for that is that I’m planning on animating flex-basis properties to open and close the accordions. Kind of like this pseudocode:

.[data-section]enter {     flex: 1; } .[data-section]exit {     flex: 0; } 

Is this something easy to implement with CSSTransition? Is this related? Programmatically navigate using react router


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