PynamoDB: how to update an attribute in a ListAttribute of MapAttribute

I am learning how to use PynamoDB to work with AWS DynamoDB in my Python code. Here is what I have defined so far:

class OfficeEmployeeMap(MapAttribute):     office_employee_id = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True)     office_employee_direct_ids = UnicodeSetAttribute()  class Office(Model):     class Meta:         table_name = 'OfficeModel'     office_id = NumberAttribute(hash_key=True)     employees = ListAttribute(of=OfficeEmployeeMap)  Office.create_table(read_capacity_units=1, write_capacity_units=1)  

Here is how I appended to the list of map attributes (employees):

emp1 = OfficeEmployeeMap(     office_employee_id=111,     office_employee_direct_ids={"222"} )  Office(     office_id=1 ).update(     actions=[         Office.employees.set((Office.employees|[]).append([emp1]))     ] ) 

And here is what I am seeing in the newly created DynamoDB table OfficeModel:

enter image description here

Now I need to add another value, like 333, to the set office_employee_direct_ids where office_employee_id == 111, how can I do it with PynamoDB? Thanks for your help!

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