py2neo: Why using class attributes?

  1. py2neo uses class attributes to model the attributes of nodes in neo4j. What is the reason (or underlying architecture/philosophy) for not using instance attributes?

  2. Would there be an easy (generic) way to convert/map py2neo results (of type GraphObject) into objects with instance attributes?

Thank you for any hints or insights! 🙂

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1 Answer(s)

Attributes defined on the class can be overridden by attributes on sub-classes:

class A(object):     x = 1      def __init__(self):         self.y = 2  class B(A):     x = 11     y = 22   b = B() print(b.x, b.y) 

will print

11 2 

since the x is overridden when the class B is created, but then the A.__init__() method is ran which overwrites self.y with 2.

Answered on July 15, 2020.
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