Problems with Intellij Idea, Thymeleaf
I am doing a project with Intellij Idea. For the front, I am using Thymeleaf.
When I put cursor on xmlns:th= It says URI is not registered (Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs). At first, I thought, maybe a problem with my project. And I opened my previous project that used to work. But the same problem. I updated Intellij Idea 2018.3.5 to 2018.3.6. It didn’t help. Disabled Thymeleaf, then enabled it. Restarted Idea. Invalidate/cashe restart. I deleted static files, but the design is still working. When I run my previous project it has a background image of my first project.
This is how my web app looked like my old project And this is how it looks like now my old project This is my new project even if there is no css, image, js file files. As you can notice. Now my old project has background of my new project.
In the console, I am getting this. How can I solve this problem?