Problem with logic of book store application in java EE
I’m making book store and so far i only have 3 tables.
Book: - id:(int) primary key, autoincrement, not null, - title:(varchar) not null, - price: (decimal) not null Cart: -id:(int) primary key, autoincrement, not null
Article: - id:(int) primary key, autoincrement, not null, - title:(varchar) not null, - price: (decimal) not null, - cart_id:(int) foreign key referencing cart
For me it’s logical when user clicks on "add to cart" button to check if cart already exist, if exist i will return that cart if not create new. And user will put multiple articles in one cart. This is my class for inserting Cart in db:
public class CartDAO { private static DataSource dataSource; private static int autoIncKey = -1; public static void insertCart() { Connection conn = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); dataSource = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/NemkeDB"); conn = dataSource.getConnection(); String insert = "insert into cart() values()"; PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(insert, RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.executeUpdate(); rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { autoIncKeyFromApi = rs.getInt(1); } catch(Exception e){ System.err.println(e); }
In CartDAO i want to have that check, something like this:
if(cart == null){ 'insert into cart()values()' }else{ // if cart exist i want to return that cart id}
i don’t know how to do that with GeneratedKeys.
Below is the class where i’m passing the id from cart in ArticleDAO
public class ArticleDAO { private static DataSource dataSource; private static ArrayList<Article> articleList = new ArrayList<>(); public static void insertArticle(String title, double price) { Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); dataSource = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/NemkeDB"); conn = dataSource.getConnection(); st = conn.createStatement(); CartDAO.insertCart(); // Here is where i call(insert) Cart String insert = "insert into article(title,price,cart_id) values(?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(insert); ps.setString(1, title); ps.setDouble(2, price);; ps.setInt(3, CartDAO.getAutoIncKey()); // Here i pass that id ps.executeUpdate(); rs = st.executeQuery("select * from artical"); while ( { String articalTitle = rs.getString("title"); double articalPrice = rs.getDouble("price"); Artical artical = new Artical(articalTitle, articalPrice); articalList.add(artical); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); }
My question is what is the proper way to make that check? Maybe with session? And how to return id if cart exist? I know it’s a long question but i think it’s easy for anyone with any working experience with java. Thanks everyone who invested time to read and reply this problem.