Print in one line after removing previous in Python

I want to print only current index in my Python code.

for my_index in range(100):     print(my_index) 

This script currently prints like:

>>>python3 0 1 2 3 4 ... 

But I want to print only current my_index in one line without going to new line (or adding space between) like this:

>>>python3 0 

And then 0 cahnges to 1 like so…

>>>python3 1 

I DON’T want it like this:

>>>python3 0 1 2 3 4 ... 

And Python – Print in one line dynamically – Stack Overflow isn’t answer to my question.

Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer(s)

Is this what you’re looking for?

You can use sys.stdout.write('\b \b') to delete a character already printed to the console. (Note: won’t work in IDLE)

A list of these "special characters" (known as string literals) can be found here

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