preloading fonts with Nuxt js

I am trying to optimize my page and for example on this link when I check it on PageSpeed Insights, I get this message: Preload key requests. Which would allow me to save almost 2 seconds.

My current setup is that I have a font.css file in assets folder where the fonts are imported in this manner:

@font-face {   font-family: 'IBM Plex Mono';   font-style: normal;   font-display: swap;   font-weight: 500;   src: local('IBM Plex Mono Medium'), local('IBMPlexMono-Medium'),     url('../fonts/ibm-plex-mono-v5-latin-ext_latin-500.woff2') format('woff2'),     /* Chrome 26+, Opera 23+, Firefox 39+ */       url('../fonts/ibm-plex-mono-v5-latin-ext_latin-500.woff') format('woff'); /* Chrome 6+, Firefox 3.6+, IE 9+, Safari 5.1+ */ } 

The assets folder also contains the woff2 and woff files which are being imported to font.css

Now this setup doesn’t have any preloading (from what I understand). So I tried to investigate how to setup preloading and one of the options I found was to use in nuxt.config.js:

  render: {     bundleRenderer: {       shouldPreload: (file, type) => {         return ['script', 'style', 'font'].includes(type);       }     }   }, 

However, this imports all of the font files which may not be necessary for the page (in total 20+ imports). How do I do font preloading importing correctly?

Regards, Rokas

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