.pkpass giving file not supported on Apple device

I am currently working on apple wallet functionality where I have to save Event tickets in the user’s apple wallet.

I am using NuGet package written by Tomas (https://github.com/tomasmcguinness/dotnet-passbook).

I am currently facing an issue like I have created a .pkpass file from the code and when I am trying to open that file in Apple device I am getting a "File not supported issue" but If I open the same pass in android (PassWallet or Passes) it works fine.

Anyone can help me here?

Below is my pass.json file

{   "passTypeIdentifier": "pass.tomsamcguinness.events",   "formatVersion": 1,   "serialNumber": "121212",   "description": "My first pass",   "organizationName": "Test Org",   "teamIdentifier": "4T64559QVN",   "sharingProhibited": false,   "logoText": "Test Inc.",   "foregroundColor": "rgb(0,0,0)",   "labelColor": "rgb(0,0,0)",   "barcodes": [     {       "format": "PKBarcodeFormatCode128",       "message": "10000151",       "messageEncoding": "ISO-8859-1",       "altText": "10000010"     }   ],   "eventTicket": {     "headerFields": [       {         "key": "date",         "label": "Date",         "value": "16th July"       }     ],     "primaryFields": [       {         "key": "event-name",         "label": "Event",         "value": "The Hectic Glow in concert"       }     ],     "secondaryFields": [       {         "key": "location",         "label": "Location",         "value": "Central Park Zoo"       }     ],     "auxiliaryFields": [],     "backFields": []   } }

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