PHP Page is posting multiple times occasionally

I have a registration form which posts data to save.php. But occasionally the data is getting posted multiple times.

Below is my code for save.php

<?php session_start(); //save registration details in my table  include('connect_database.php'); include('my_functions.php');  $_SESSION['newUser'] = '0'; // new user  //POSTED DATA-------------------------- $t_email = $_POST['email']; $t_psw = $_POST['psw']; $t_first_name = addslashes($_POST['first_name']); $_SESSION['lastname'] = $t_last_name = addslashes($_POST['last_name']); $t_mobile = $_POST['mobile']; $_SESSION['licNum'] = $t_lic_no = $_POST['lic_no']; $t_dob = $_POST['dob']; $t_abn = $_POST['abn']; $tx_expiry = $_POST['tx_expiry']; $drv_for = $_POST['driven_for']; $lng_drv = $_POST['long_driven'];  //referred by $ref_drLic = $_POST['ref_driLic']; $ref_drName = $_POST['ref_driName'];  $t_dr_front = get_image('dr_front',$_POST['last_name'].'_dr_front'); $t_dr_bck = get_image('dr_bck',$_POST['last_name'].'_dr_bck');  //if tx required------- if($_SESSION['ce_cr_tx'] == 1){     $t_tx_front = get_image('tx_front',$_POST['last_name'].'_tx_front');     $t_tx_bck = get_image('tx_bck',$_POST['last_name'].'_tx_bck'); } else{     $t_tx_front = "";     $t_tx_bck = ""; }  //store data in logfile $nwtxt = "Email is - ".$_POST['email'].". Mobile no - ".$_POST['mobile']; writeFile($nwtxt);  //--------------------------------------- //query to save data in my table  $ad_sql = "INSERT INTO myTable (email, password, firstname, lastname, mobile, licence, drfront, drbck, txfront, txbck, cnfrm, dob, abnf, texpiry, drifor, driven, reLic, reNname)     VALUES('".$t_email."','".$t_psw."','".$t_first_name."','".$t_last_name."','".$t_mobile."','".$t_lic_no."','".$t_dr_front."','".$t_dr_bck."','".$t_tx_front."','".$t_tx_bck."','0','".$t_dob."','".$t_abn."','".$tx_expiry."','".$drv_for."','".$lng_drv."','".$ref_drLic."','".$ref_drName."')";  if(!empty($t_email)){     if($conn->query($ad_sql) == true){         //echo'Success';         $lst_id = $conn->insert_id;         $_SESSION['ls_id'] = $lst_id;         $_SESSION['s_email'] = $t_email;         $_SESSION['s_code'] = mt_rand(11111,99999);          //email code to user--------------------------         $subjct = "Email Verification Code";         $usr_msg = "Hi ".$_POST['first_name']." ".$_POST['last_name'].",<br><br>                     A new account has been requested at 'Portal'                     using your email address.<br><br>                      To confirm your new account, please enter this code in the web page:<br>                     <h3>".$_SESSION['s_code']."</h3><br><br>                      If you need help, please call us<br><br>                      Thank you,                     Administrator";         sendEmail($t_email, $usr_msg, $subjct); //sends and email         writeFile('Code is :'.$_SESSION['s_code']); // write a log in file         //--------------------------------------------               //redirect to verify email page----------------------         header("location: verifyEmail.php");         exit();       }     else{         echo'Error creating account-  '.$conn->error.'. Please try again.';         $gbck = "cr=".$_SESSION['ce_cr_id']."&crs=".$_SESSION['ce_cr_nm']."&tx=".$_SESSION['ce_cr_tx']."&erms=Error creating account. Please try again";         header('location: Enroll.php?'.$gbck);         exit();     } } else{     echo'Error creating account. Please try again.';     $gbck = "cr=".$_SESSION['ce_cr_id']."&crs=".$_SESSION['ce_cr_nm']."&tx=".$_SESSION['ce_cr_tx']."&erms= EMPTY data. Error creating account. Please try again";     header('location: Enroll.php?'.$gbck);     exit(); }  ?> 

I checked my code multiple times but couldn’t find anything that is triggering it. When someone registers, the page keeps loading for sometime and I receive multiple entries in database and user receives multiple verification emails.

Is something wrong in my code?

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1 Answer(s)

The code itself looks fine, but i get the growing suspicion that it might be a config issue or whats happening before this executes. If your looking for a patchwork fix i would probably put a condition near your if(!empty($t_email)) that checks if the sql table row already exists dont execute, which would rectify the fact that multiple requests are coming in.

Answered on July 16, 2020.
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