PHP not always getting value from $_GET

I have a WordPress shortcode that will display the appropriate image based on some values passed through the query string. It gets the value with $_GET['utm_content'].

Not sure why it would be a browser thing, but… it works as expected 100% of the time in non-incognito Chrome. With Chrome in incognito mode, Firefox and Safari, it only gets the value a percentage of the time. When it doesn’t get it isset($_GET['utm_content']) fails….

Here’s the entire function. You can see my debugging code at the end.

add_shortcode('bene_show_img', 'bene_show_img'); function bene_show_img( $atts, $content = null ) {         $utm_campaign = isset($_GET['utm_campaign']) ? $_GET['utm_campaign'] : 'not set';         $utm_content = isset($_GET['utm_content']) ? $_GET['utm_content'] : 'not set';          extract( shortcode_atts( array(                 'base_path' => 'wp-content/uploads',                 'img_path' => substr( substr_replace( substr($utm_campaign, 0, 8) , '/', 4, 0 ), 0, 7 ),                 'img_base_name' => substr($utm_campaign, 8),                 'img_ver' => $utm_content,                 'img_ext' => 'png'         ), $atts ) );           $bp = esc_attr($base_path);         $p = esc_attr($img_path);         $bn = esc_attr($img_base_name);         $v = esc_attr($img_ver);         $e = esc_attr($img_ext) . '?r=' . rand();          // TODO: if the final path does not point to an image, try decreasing then increasing the          // month by 1...                      // Return a string to display on the page         $tag = <<<EOD                 <img width="1024" height="535" src="/$bp/$p/$bn-$v-1024x538.$e"                  class="attachment-large size-large" alt=""                  srcset="/$bp/$p/$bn-$v-1024x538.$e 1024w,                  /$bp/$p/$bn-$v-300x175.$e 300w,                  /$bp/$p/$bn-$v-768x401.$e 768w,                  /$bp/$p/$bn-$v.$e 1200w"                  sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px">          EOD;          return "<h2>XX $utm_content $utm_campaign XX</h2>" . $tag;         //return $tag; } 

What am I missing?

In case my error not overly visible, you can see the behavior live at:


Just to be sure it wasn’t any sort of weird shortcode thing, I added the following to functions.php and get consistent results when viewing the URL above

add_shortcode('getit', 'getit'); function getit() {     return $_GET['utm_content']; }  echo '<pre>' . do_shortcode('[getit]') . '</pre>'; echo '<pre>' . getit() . '</pre>'; 
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