PDF Box embed Fonts into existing PDF

So I have a pdf that I know needs the fonts embeded.

Here is the sample code to get this list.

        PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(new File(SRC));          List<PDFont> nonEmbeddedFonts = IntStream.range(0, doc.getNumberOfPages()).mapToObj(doc::getPage).flatMap(page -> {             PDResources resources = page.getResources();             return StreamSupport.stream(resources.getFontNames().spliterator(), false).map(name -> {                 try                  { return resources.getFont(name); }                 catch (IOException e)                  { throw new RuntimeException(e); }             });         }).filter(font -> !font.isEmbedded()).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()); 

Does any one know of a simple way to embed these fonts? I know I can skip Times and Helvetica.

I have searched, but cannot find how to add these required fonts to an existing documnet.

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