NetBeans Autocomplete JavaFX CSS

i programmed a Program with JavaFX recently.

Now im trying to optimize the optics a bit with CSS. After i finally figured out, how to add CSS to the Program, NetBeans still doesnt show me Autocompletion for it.

So my first Steps were normal CSS, which obviously doesnt work.

Its a Maven-Project, made with the JavaFX FXML Maven Archetype.

I tryed some solutions, but none worked. One Solution was to make a new Ant-JavaFX-Project, do the CSS in there and copy it back. But not only this is really dirty, i cant even create the Project, cause NetBeans says, my Java 14.0.1 SDK doesnt fit it, while it does in the Maven-Project…

Any Solutions? Here a Pic of the not working autocomplete:

The Project itself compiles with no Problems..

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