MySQL stored procedure: check if an In parameter is null

I’m new to MySQL stored procedure (and MySQL in general), so I need some help because I can’t make my code work. I need to check if some input parameters are not null and run my stored procure according to them.

This is an example:

    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `game_procedure`(game_name varchar(30), year year(4), publisher varchar(30), price decimal)     BEGIN     if (game_name is null) and (price is null)         then         select distinct g.g_name, g.game_publisher, g.game_year, c.game_condition, c.game_price         from game as g         join catalogue as c on g.game_id=c.catalogue_game_id         where g.game_year=year and g.game_publisher=publisher;     end if; END 

Of course, the other fields could be null too. What I want is to obtain different results depending on which In parameters I pass. I already tried with:

isnull(game_name), game_name is null 

but nothing worked, expecially with numerical parameters (year and price – sintax error). Can you help me, please?

Asked on July 16, 2020 in Mysql.
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1 Answer(s)

It isn’t clear what work you expect isnull(game_name), game_name is null to be doing.

You’re getting syntax errors referring to year because year is a reserved word and you’re using it without wrapping it backticks (identifier quotes).

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