my json give as output string and not int in python

import pathlib a=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() dirc=str(a)+'\\file.json' dirc2=str(a)+'\\PrettyJson.json' data={1: {"titolo": "yea boi", "voto": 10, "genere": "a me ne so"}, 2: {"titolo": "yea boi 2", "voto": 8, "genere": "bo"}}  def jsonPrettyPrint():     with open(dirc,'w') as json_file:         json.dump(data, json_file)     with open(dirc) as json_file:         with open(dirc2,'w') as PrettyJsonFile:             Obj = json.load(json_file)             PrettyJson = json.dumps(Obj, indent=4)             json.dump(PrettyJson,PrettyJsonFile)             print(PrettyJson)  jsonPrettyPrint() 

Here the code, it work properly, but when i print Pretty Json, it give as output this

{     "1": {         "titolo": "yea boi",         "voto": 10,         "genere": "a me ne so"     },     "2": {         "titolo": "yea boi 2",         "voto": 8,         "genere": "bo"     } } 

as u can see, 2 and 1 are strings and not intengers, but 8 and 10 are intengers, idk why, any help would be appreciated

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1 Answer(s)

Convert the keys to int after loading the JSON.

with open(dirc) as json_file:     data = json.load(json_file) for key, value in list(data.items()):     data[int(key)] = value     del data[key] print(data) 
Answered on July 16, 2020.
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