ML.NET thows an error Column 'Time' has values of DateTime, which is not the same as earlier observed type of Single

I was trying to use ML.NET to do some simple linear regression test using a small dataset (760 items) but when I am calling Fit() to get a transformer it throws an eror "Column ‘Time’ has values of DateTime, which is not the same as earlier observed type of Single. "

as if the function confused the type of each column in the csv?

the code

         public class PriceData         {             [ColumnName("Time")]             [LoadColumn(0)]             public DateTime Time;              [ColumnName("ClosePrice")]             [LoadColumn(1)]             public float ClosePrice;          }                           public class DemandPrediction         {             [ColumnName("Score")]             public float ApproximationScore;         }            static string URL = "";         public static void Main(string[] args)         {             try             {                 List<PriceData> priceData = new List<PriceData>();                 DownloadData(URL,ref priceData);                  var context = new MLContext();                 var data = context.Data.LoadFromTextFile<PriceData>("data.csv",hasHeader:false,separatorChar:',');                  var pipeline = context.Transforms.Concatenate(outputColumnName:"PriceData",                      nameof(PriceData.Time),                      nameof(PriceData.ClosePrice)                    ).AppendCacheCheckpoint(context);                                  var trainerType = context.Regression.Trainers.OnlineGradientDescent(lossFunction: new TweedieLoss());                 var fullPipeline = pipeline.Append(trainerType);                 var model = pipeline.Fit(data);                 var predictions = model.Transform(data);                 var metrics = context.Regression.Evaluate(                                                             data: predictions,                                                             labelColumnName: "ClosePrice",                                                             scoreColumnName: "Score");                                   var sample = new PriceData { Time =Convert.ToDateTime("7/6/2020 12:00:00 AM"), ClosePrice = 9273.18f };                  // create a prediction engine                 var engine = context.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<PriceData, DemandPrediction>(model);                  // make the prediction                 var prediction = engine.Predict(sample);                                   Console.ReadKey();              }             catch (WebException e)             {                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);             }         }``` 
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1 Answer(s)

If you open the csv up in notepad, what do the Time values look like? Are they integer values? You may need to convert from Integer value to DateTime. See: How do I convert an Excel serial date number to a .NET DateTime?

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