Left Join not producing nulls

I have two tables like this :

website_session_id  landing_page '1',                '/home' '2',                '/home' '3',                '/home' '4',                '/home' '5',                '/home' '6',                '/home' '7',                '/home' '8',                '/home' '9',                '/home' '10',               '/home'    website_session_id       '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '7' '8' '9' '10' 

I am using LEFT Join to connect both table, the website_session_id with value 6 is not shown at all.Isnt it supposed to show something like

6     /home    NULL 


SELECT      * FROM     session_first_view         LEFT JOIN     bounced_sessions ON session_first_view.website_session_id =  bounced_sessions.website_session_id  

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2 Answer(s)

Just check the table name : assume First Table Name is T1 and second Table is T2 the join condition is as below , wherein T1 has 2 column as mentioned

SELECT      * FROM     T1         LEFT JOIN     T2 ON T1.website_session_id =  T2.website_session_id  
Answered on July 16, 2020.
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If your first table is session_first_view it should work


Unless the first table effectively has no record with website_session_id=’6′. Please check your table data.

Also, you can check if you are getting null results using

SELECT      * FROM     session_first_view         LEFT JOIN     bounced_sessions ON session_first_view.website_session_id =   bounced_sessions.website_session_id  WHERE bounced_sessions.id IS NULL 

It should display at least this one with website_session_id='6'

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