JPA 2, join criteria query without entity mapping

I have the following tables:

  • customers

  • orders

      @Entity   public class Customer {        String id;    }    @Entity   public class Order {        String id;       String customerId;    } 

I have no use to establish an entity’s mapping between those; however I need a query to that should join these two tables:

    final CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();     final CriteriaQuery<Customer> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Customer.class);     final Root<Customer> root = criteriaQuery.from(Customer.class);     final Join<Order, Customer> joinOrder = root.join(Order_.customerId.getName()); // doesn't work      final TypedQuery<Customer> queryData = entityManager.createQuery(             criteriaQuery                     .where(                             criteriaBuilder.lessThan(root.get(Customer_.creationDate), date)                             // should add a predicate with order properties                     )     );       return queryData.getResultList(); 

Is it possible to do something like above with JPA 2 ?

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1 Answer(s)
  • You can use subquery
    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();     CriteriaQuery<Customer> customerQuery =                                        cb.createQuery(Customer.class);     Root<Customer> customerRoot = customerQuery.from(Customer.class);      Subquery<Order> subQuery = customerQuery.subquery(Order.class);     Root<Order> orderRoot = subQuery.from(Order.class);      //Replace this with the restriction you want to apply to order     Predicate predicate= orderRoot.get("xxxxx").in(xxx, xxx);"customerId")).where(predicate);"id").in(subQuery));     em.createQuery(issueQuery).getResultList(); 
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