JavaFX BorderPane set multiple buttons to Bottom?

Is it possible to have multiple Buttons set to Bottom (left, center, right)?

This is what I tried:

    private Pane createPane() {         BorderPane rootPane = new BorderPane();         rootPane.setTop(createMenueBar());         rootPane.setCenter(createTableView(model.getIssues()));                  rootPane.setBottom(createDeleteIssueButton());           rootPane.setBottom(createCloseIssueButton());         rootPane.setBottom(createCreateNewIssueButton());                  BorderPane.setAlignment(deleteIssueButton, Pos.BOTTOM_LEFT);         BorderPane.setAlignment(closeIssueButton, Pos.BOTTOM_CENTER);         BorderPane.setAlignment(createIssueButton, Pos.BOTTOM_RIGHT);         return rootPane;     }  


enter image description here

As you can see it only shows the last added Button. What is the best way to get this done with JavaFX/BorderPane? I’m very new to this so let me know if you need any more info!

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1 Answer(s)

Nested layouts

Gather the multiple buttons into a layout manager. Place that layout manager object in the bottom position of your BorderPane.

For example, you might choose FlowPane as your layout manager.

FlowPane buttons = new FlowPane() ; buttons.getChildren().addAll( deleteIssueButton , closeIssueButton , createIssueButton ) ; 

The BorderPane places only a single widget in the bottom slot. You want your container of buttons to be that widget.

BorderPane rootPane = new BorderPane(); rootPane.setBottom( buttons ) ; 

Your use of Pos.BOTTOM_LEFT and such determines where the widget is placed within the bottom slot. The BOTTOM in BOTTOM_LEFT means bottom slot of the given space within a slot, not the bottom of the BorderPane. Two different bottoms involved here.

BorderPane.setAlignment( buttons , Pos.CENTER ) ; 
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