Java strings compare getText()

I have two strings, one is: String currentDoc= driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".active .ng-scope:nth-child(2)")).getText();

and the outcome of it is:

First Name Last Name Remove Worker details Goran Dxxxxxc David Vxxxxć Matija Mxxxxc Andrej Txxxxk 

second string is:

String docList = "First Name Last Name Remove Worker details\r\n" +                  "Goran Dxxxxxc\r\n" +                  "David Vxxxxć\r\n" +                  "Matija Mxxxxc\r\n" +                  "Andrej Txxxxk"; 

when I do: System.out.println(trenutniPopis.equals(currentDoc)); I always get false First I thought "ć" was the problem but replacing it with "c" in both cases made no difference. Any thoughts what could be the problem? thank you

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1 Answer(s)

New line can be represented by multiple characters:

  • \r\n
  • \n
  • \r.

I would recommend to use regex.

String regex = "First Name Last Name Remove Worker details\\s+" +                  "Goran Dxxxxxc\\s+" +                  "David Vxxxxć\\s+" +                  "Matija Mxxxxc\\s+" +                  "Andrej Txxxxk";  System.out.println(currentDoc.matches(regex));  

\s – matches any whitespace character (equal to [\r\n\t\f\v ])

+ Quantifier — Matches between one and unlimited times

Answered on July 15, 2020.
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