Iterate through nested XML nodes and save it to a list in c#

I have a xml file with nested xml nodes. i need to loop through the nodes and save the innertext to list. The xml format is like below:

<xml> <record> </record> <Actions> <Action Name= "name1"> <screen> <subAction></SubAction> </screen> </Action> <Action Name = "name2"> <screen Description= "info"> <subAction> <object> <name> user </name> <type> string </type> <variable> ram </variable> </object> <object> <name> user1 </name> <type> string1 </type> <variable> ram1 </variable> </object> </subAction> </screen> <Screen Description= "info1"> <subAction> <object> </object> </subAction> </Screen>....goes on </Action> </Actions> </xml> 

I need to check if Action == name2, loop through and get all the object types in list. I am not able to get nested nodes.

Below is the code i have tried:

 XmlNodeList NodesPro = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/xml/Actions/Action");  foreach (XmlNode pronode in NodesPro)                 {                     bool flag = false;                     if (pronode.Attributes["Name"].Value == "name2")                     {  //Dont know how to proceed. Please help  } 
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2 Answer(s)

I prefer @Yitzhak solution, but if you want to use XmlDocument, you could try the following :

1 – Create class ActionObject:

public class ActionObject {     public string Name { get; set; }      public string Type { get; set; }      public string Variable { get; set; } } 

2 – Xml

string xml2 = @"             <xml>                 <record>                 </record>                 <Actions>                     <Action Name= 'name1'>                     <screen></screen>                     <subAction></subAction>                     </Action>                     <Action Name = 'name2'>                         <screen Description= 'info'>                             <subAction>                                 <object>                                     <name> user </name>                                     <type> string </type>                                     <variable> ram </variable>                                 </object>                                 <object>                                     <name> user1 </name>                                     <type> string1 </type>                                     <variable> ram1 </variable>                                 </object>                             </subAction>                         </screen>                         <Screen Description= 'info1'>                             <subAction>                                 <object></object>                             </subAction>                         </Screen>                     </Action>                 </Actions>             </xml>"; 

3 – Code that get objects from xml:

XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml(xml2); List<ActionObject> objects = new List<ActionObject>();  XmlNodeList actions = xmlDocument.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/xml/Actions/Action"); foreach (XmlElement actionNode in actions) {     if (actionNode.Attributes["Name"].Value != "name2")         continue;      foreach(XmlNode objectNode in actionNode.SelectNodes("./screen/subAction/object"))     {         ActionObject actionObject = new ActionObject         {             Name = objectNode.SelectSingleNode("name").InnerText.Trim(),             Type = objectNode.SelectSingleNode("type").InnerText.Trim(),             Variable = objectNode.SelectSingleNode("variable").InnerText.Trim(),         };          objects.Add(actionObject);     } } 

I hope you find this helpful.

Answered on July 16, 2020.
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It is better to use LINQ to XML API. It is available in the .Net Framework for more than a decade.

The XML provided is not well-formed. I had to fix it.

It is not clear what is your desired output.

I copied @Sajid’s class as a placeholder for data.


void Main() {     XDocument xsdoc = XDocument.Parse(@"<xml>             <record>             </record>             <Actions>                 <Action Name='name1'>                     <screen>                         <subAction></subAction>                     </screen>                 </Action>                 <Action Name='name2'>                     <screen Description='info'>                         <subAction>                             <object>                                 <name>user</name>                                 <type>string</type>                                 <variable>ram</variable>                             </object>                             <object>                                 <name>user1</name>                                 <type>string1</type>                                 <variable>ram1</variable>                             </object>                         </subAction>                     </screen>                     <Screen Description='info1'>                         <subAction>                             <object>                             </object>                         </subAction>                     </Screen>....goes on</Action>             </Actions>         </xml>");      List<ActionObject> objects3 = new List<ActionObject>();      foreach (var el in xsdoc.Descendants("Action")         .Where(x => x.Attribute("Name").Value.Equals("name2")))     {         objects3 = el.Descendants("object")             .Select(p => new ActionObject()             {                 Name = p.Element("name")?.Value,                 Type = p.Element("type")?.Value,                 Variable = p.Element("variable")?.Value             }).ToList();     } }  public class ActionObject {     public string Name { get; set; }     public string Type { get; set; }     public string Variable { get; set; } } 
Answered on July 16, 2020.
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