Issue with generating sources from xsd schema

I’m getting the following error when generating sources for my project. I have extracted a few common types to a schema called CommonTypes.xsd and I get the following error:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: src-resolve.4.1: Error resolving component 'nonEmptyString'. It was detected that 'nonEmptyString' has no namespace, but components with no target namesp ace are not referenceable from schema document 'file:/C:/Workspace/CommonTypes.xsd'. If 'nonEmptyString' is  intended to have a namespace, perhaps a prefix needs to be provided. If it is intended that 'nonEmptyString' has no namespace, then an 'import' without a "namespace" attribute should be added to 'file:/C:/Workspace/lps-performance-calculation-service/pcs-data/src/main/resources/xsd/calc/lps/CommonTypes.xsd'. 

The following simple type is defined in my CommonTypes.xsd schema as below:

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""             xmlns:unit=""             xmlns:types=""             elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"             targetNamespace="">     <!-- import types -->     <xsd:import namespace=""/>     <!-- other common types -->     <xsd:simpleType name="nonEmptyString">         <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">             <xsd:minLength value="1"/>             <xsd:pattern value=".*[^\s].*"/>         </xsd:restriction>     </xsd:simpleType> 

And line 241 which causes the error is below:

<xsd:complexType name="Message">         <xsd:simpleContent>             <xsd:extension base="nonEmptyString">                 <xsd:attribute type="xsd:string" name="code" use="required"/>                 <xsd:attribute name="category" use="required">                     <xsd:simpleType>                         <xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">                             <xsd:enumeration value="Error"/>                             <xsd:enumeration value="Info"/>                         </xsd:restriction>                     </xsd:simpleType>                 </xsd:attribute>                 <xsd:attribute type="xsd:string" name="component" use="required"/>             </xsd:extension>         </xsd:simpleContent>     </xsd:complexType> 

Do you have any idea what may cause the error? I’ve tried searching through StackOverflow and experimenting with the targetNamespace and xmlns, but with no success.

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2 Answer(s)

You are trying to refer to a simple type which has

  • name ‘nonEmptyString’
  • namespace ""

But the simple type ‘nonEmptyString’ is defined in this XSD, which has targetNamespace="". So you should be referring to a simple type which has

  • name ‘nonEmptyString’
  • namespace ""

You simply need to change this:

<xsd:extension base="nonEmptyString">

to this:

<xsd:extension base="types:nonEmptyString">

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You need to import your nonEmptyString in the corresponding namespace and make this namespace referenceable via the prefix.

To do this, add xmlns:types="" to xsd:schema of the importing schema.

Also provide the namespace in xsd:import of the importing schema. Should be something like:

<xsd:import     namespace=""     schemaLocation="calc/lps/CommonTypes.xsd"/> 

Then you should be able to reference your nonEmptyString type as types:nonEmptyString.

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