Is there a way to increase the efficiency of this algorithm that generates random x-y coordinates?

I’m working on an algorithm that randomly plots objects on a large image. Here is the workflow of what I currently have.

  1. I define a space that represents the dimensions of the image and initiate an empty array (restrictList)
  2. Using the genLoc function, I randomly pick a point (x,y). restrictList is empty when the first point is picked.
  3. I then calculate all points that will be occupied by the object. These points are added to the array(restrictList)
  4. I then call genLoc again, to pick another random (x,y). If (x,y) exists is restrictList, the function calls itself again.
  5. This will continue until we pick a random point that is not in restrict list.

The problem is as follows, as more objects are plotted, the size of the array – restrictList increases. With each iteration, it takes longer to pick a valid random point. The biggest flaw that I can see here is that I’m wasting processing power by repeatedly picking a random coordinate from the image space. One alternative that I tried was using an array – [x for x in AllPossiblePoints if x not in restrictList] and picking a random index. This takes even longer because the array AllPossiblePoints is very large. I think I need a way to make sure that the (x,y) coordinates that are in restrictList, do not get randomly generated in the first place.

def genLoc(x,y, restrictList):  Valx = randint(0, x) Valy = randint(0, y)  point = (Valx, Valy) if point in restrictList:     return genLoc(dimx, dimy, restrictList)  elif point not in restrictList:     return point 
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1 Answer(s)


This solution will require you to generate all possible coordinates in advance. It uses sets and set logic to remove possibilities as they are used. random.sample is used to choose a point from the possibles. My mre is contrived to illustrate that – (everything is linear).

import random  # fake function that identifies # unusable points after placing an object def calc_objectspace(point,obj=None):     objdims = range(-5,5)     # linear all the same size     objspace = set(point+n for n in range(-5,5))     objspace.add(point)    # as needed     return objspace  # make all the points as a set allthestuff = set(range(10000))  # iterate over the objects getting placed for obj in range(10):     # random.choice won't work with a set     point = random.sample(allthestuff,1)[0]     # determine occupied points     obj_space = calc_objectspace(point)     # reduce the possible points     allthestuff.difference_update(obj_space)     print(len(allthestuff)) 

The time complexity of s.difference_update(t) is O(len(t)).

This solves the problem of hunting for a random coordinate that isn’t already used.

Cannot assess the cost of creating all the coordinates up front. If it is too costly then probably have to revert to hunting for a usable coordinate. Using a set to hold all the restricted points will reduce the time for the membership testing.

Answered on July 16, 2020.
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