Is it possible to place all the items in grid in one row when I don't know the number of columns?

I’m trying to make a grid container that has undefined number of columns and I want it to be one row. Is there any way to do this in CSS?

.grid {   display: grid;   grid-gap: 5px; }  .grid > div {   background: #ccc;    min-height: 100px;  }
<div class="grid">   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div> </div>

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1 Answer(s)

There is two ways actually.

  1. Using grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(1px, 1fr));. Fits new columns automatically and determines it’s mimimum and maximum width. More about Grid Template Columns and auto-fit/auto-fill.
  2. Using grid-auto-flow: column;. Determines automatically placement behavior of grid cells. More about Grid auto flow.
.grid {   display: grid;   grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(1px, 1fr));   grid-gap: 5px;   margin-bottom: 5px; }  .grid2 {   display: grid;   grid-auto-flow: column;   grid-gap: 5px;     margin-bottom: 5px; }  .grid > div, .grid2 > div {   background: #ccc;    min-height: 100px;  }
<div class="grid">   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div> </div>  <div class="grid2">   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div>   <div></div> </div>

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