Is it possible to have your Android App write/re-write/overwrite internal classes or enums?
I’m in the process of creating an Android app (in Android Studio) from a Java program that I built. In my program, I have a "write files" class that writes or overwrites internal classes and enums as needed based on data taken in from JSON’s and URL’s. I can figure out how to write to the data/user/0/app/files directory but I cannot figure out how to get the app to re-write its inner-workings…. I know it may not sound like a good idea to some, but it is helpful when you have some enums or interfaces with hundreds or thousands of constants and values. . . If it isn’t possible, can someone guide me to another way of storing data for my app to quick reference? I have constants in interfaces along the line of (for example, x25) int toys = 37 and enums that hold values like:
public enum Dogs{ CORGIE(Breed.CORGIE), YORKIE(Breed.YORKIE); private enum Breed{ CORGIE("1", "CORGIE", Size.SMALL, (byte) -33, 200, 2000, 2500, 60.0, (byte) 25, YORKIE("2", "YORKIE", Size.SMALLER, (byte) -100, 300, 3000, 4500, 150.0, (byte) 10; private final String BREEDNUM, BREEDNAME; private final Size BREEDSIZE; private final Byte FOOD, ENERGY; private final int SPEED, WEIGHT, HEIGHT; private final Double ANGER; Breed(String breedNum, String breedName, Size breedSize, Byte food, int speed, int weight, int height, double anger, Byte energy) { BREEDNUM= breedNum; BREEDNAME = breedName; BREEDSIZE = breedSize; FOOD = food; SPEED = speed; WEIGHT = weight; HEIGHT = height; ANGER = anger; energy = energy; } } private final String BREEDNUM, BREEDNAME; private final Size BREEDSIZE; private final Byte FOOD, ENERGY; private final int SPEED, WEIGHT, HEIGHT; private final Double ANGER; Dogs(Breed breed) { BREEDNUM= breed.breedNum; BREEDNAME = breed.breedName; BREEDSIZE = breed.breedSize; FOOD =; SPEED = breed.speed; WEIGHT = breed.weight; HEIGHT = breed.height; ANGER = breed.anger; energy =; } public String getBreedNum() { return BREEDNUM; } public String getBreedName() { return BREEDNAME; } // etc...
(lol best code example I could think of), but I have multiple enums that have anywhere from 100-1,000 values like this. Would storing objects be efficient for the enums? Wouldn’t that take time then for the app to open? I don’t think I want to use something along the lines of assets for constants because the constants the program stores can change depending on the day or week.
I guess I’ve been working on this Java for so long I can’t think of another way to do it. I thought about writing to an internal JSON but am not aware of "instantly" finding a value (ie – not parsing through the entire thing every time).