Instance Error On Foreign Key Field Django

Im stumped and need help on my function. I have two tables student and student information. Student information is all guardian information of that student. I separated this data from the main student table so you can add as many guardians as you want to a students file with new records. The error I’m getting is as followed.

Cannot assign "’1’": "StudentInformation.studentpsid" must be a "Student" instance.

Attached you will see my code. Studentpsid in student information is a foreign key from student.

def ImportStudentGuardian(request):     AuthTokenP(request)     print("Getting student guardian data from SIS for K-8")     #Pulls K-8 Guardians     url = "removed for posting"     payload = {}     token = APIInformation.objects.get(api_name="PowerSchool")     key = token.key     headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(key)}        response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data = payload)     encode_xml = response.text.encode('utf8')     xml_string = ET.fromstring(encode_xml)     students = xml_string.findall("student")     for student in students:       #XML Values       psid = student.find("id").text       try:        mother = student.find("contact").find("mother").text       except Exception:        mother = ""          try:         father = student.find("contact").find("father").text       except Exception:        father = ""        if Student.objects.filter(studentpsid=psid).exists():           print("Accessing guardian information.")         m = StudentInformation.objects.create(studentpsid=psid,guardian_name = mother, relation = "Mom")   <---- Function Fails here         print("Record doesn't exist for mom, creating record.")         d= StudentInformation.objects.create(studentpsid=psid,guardian_name = father, relation = "Dad")         print("Record doesn't exist for dad, creating record.")       return ("Updated Guardian Information ") 
Model  class Student(models.Model):     studentpsid= models.CharField(primary_key = True , default = "", max_length = 50, unique = True)     student_name = models.CharField(max_length = 50)     first_name = models.CharField(max_length = 50, default = "")     last_name = models.CharField(max_length = 50,default = "")     gender = models.CharField(max_length = 1,default = "")     student_grade = models.CharField(max_length = 2, default = "")     home_room = models.CharField(max_length = 5, default = "")     student_enrollment = models.CharField(max_length = 2, default = "")     school_number = models.CharField(max_length = 15, default = "")      email = models.EmailField(default = "")     projected_graduation_year = models.CharField(max_length = 4, default = "")     counseling_goal = models.TextField(max_length = 255)     class_name = models.ManyToManyField(TeacherClass)     image = models.ImageField(default ="default.png", upload_to ='student_pics')  # Guardian Information For Student  class StudentInformation(models.Model):       studentpsid = models.ForeignKey(Student,on_delete = models.CASCADE, default = "" ,)        guardian_name = models.CharField(max_length = 50, default = "")       RELATION_CHOICES = [         (0, 'None'),           (1, 'Mom'),         (2, 'Dad'),         (3, 'Other'),              ]       relation = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices = RELATION_CHOICES,)       guardian_cell = models.CharField(max_length = 12, default = "")       guardian_email = models.EmailField(max_length = 80,blank = True, default = "")       prefered_contact = models.BooleanField(default = False, blank = True)       DAY_CHOICES = [         (0, 'None'),           (1, 'Monday'),         (2, 'Tuesday'),         (3, 'Wednesday'),         (4, 'Thursday'),         (5, 'Friday'),              ]       day_of_week =  models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices = DAY_CHOICES, default = 0 )       time = models.CharField(max_length= 7, default = "", blank = True)        
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2 Answer(s)

While creating a record with the foreign key relation, and instance of the related table should be provided, so the table can maintain a relationship for that particular record.

Get the instance of the Student table with the given psid and use that while creating the StudentInformation record

EDIT : Included the part for creating the record only if mother and father values are available.

for student in students:       #XML Values     psid = student.find("id").text     try:         psid_obj = Student.objects.get(studentpsid=psid) #(pk = psid) also works as the field is primary key         try:             mother = student.find("contact").find("mother").text             m = StudentInformation.objects.create(studentpsid=psid_obj,guardian_name = mother, relation = "Mom")            except Exception as err1:             print "Error at Mom", str(err1)            try:              father = student.find("contact").find("father").text             d= StudentInformation.objects.create(studentpsid=psid_obj,guardian_name = father, relation = "Dad")            except Exception as err2:             print "Error at Dad",str(err2)     except:         print "Student Record Not found" 
Answered on July 16, 2020.
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As the error says, you are assigning a char data type to the ForeignKey field.

You should first get the instance of that Student, and then assign it to your StudentInformation object, like this:

if Student.objects.filter(studentpsid=psid).exists():           print("Accessing guardian information.")         student = Student.objects.get(pk=psid)  # this will fail if the student doesn't exist         m = StudentInformation.objects.create(studentpsid=student,guardian_name = mother, relation = "Mom")   <---- Function Fails here         print("Record doesn't exist for mom, creating record.")         d= StudentInformation.objects.create(studentpsid=student,guardian_name = father, relation = "Dad")         print("Record doesn't exist for dad, creating record.")       return ("Updated Guardian Information ") 
Answered on July 16, 2020.
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