Inserting Multiple Rows in MySQL Easily?

I’m having a bit of trouble. I need to award an item to users on our site, but I don’t want to manually fill in the numbers one by one. Is there a way to set the SQL query to INSERT INTO from UID 9 to 5430 without having to create multiple lines? Here’s my example.

INSERT INTO `item_owned` (`id`, `uid`, `iid`, `kind`, `time_owned`, `notes`) VALUES (NULL, 'x', '3626', '1', '1592596732', 'NotBanned') 

I’m trying to have the "x" be a number, but to have MYSQL generate multiple numbers from 9 to 5430 without having to generate multiple numbers/code all at once. So something like:

INSERT INTO `item_owned` (`id`, `uid`, `iid`, `kind`, `time_owned`, `notes`) VALUES (NULL, '9 - 5430', '3626', '1', '1592596732', 'NotBanned') 

The 9 - 5430 is where the issue is. I want to award the item to everyone who has their number between the number 9 and 5430.

Help appreciated – thanks.

Asked on July 16, 2020 in Mysql.
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1 Answer(s)

You can use stored procedure in mysql to do the same: Inside stored procedure you can use a loop to insert multiple entries: please check below i’ve give you an example:

Procedure can be implimented like the code given below:

delimiter $$ create procedure fill_rows(in start_index int,in termination_point int) begin     while start_index <= termination_point do         INSERT INTO `item_owned` (`id`, `uid`, `iid`, `kind`, `time_owned`, `notes`) VALUES (NULL, start_index, '3626', '1', '1592596732', 'NotBanned');         set start_index := start_index + 1;     end while; end $$ delimiter ; 

Now whenever you want to insert uid let’s say from range x to y. Assume x = 10 and y = 1000 then you can simply insert this records using this one time procedure call like:

call fill_row(10, 1000); 

This call will insert 990 new rows with uid values 10, 11, 12 …1000. Hope this may help you!

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