Insautomatic insertion of images in a div class

Goodmorning everyone,sorry in advance for my poor english…I’m using google translator!

i have this html code of a slideshow. I upload these 4 images from the folder indicated and make the slideshow.

<div id="slideshow">     <img src="photos/image1.jpg" alt="Slideshow Image 1" class="active" />     <img src="photos/image2.jpg" alt="Slideshow Image 2" />     <img src="photos/image3.jpg" alt="Slideshow Image 3" />     <img src="photos/image4.jpg" alt="Slideshow Image 4" />    </div> 

I have a webcam that periodically saves images in this folder and therefore I would need to upload them automatically without having to manually insert the lines of code (imageN…until N++). To automate the reading of the images, which are constantly being created, I thought of using this php function to read the images in the photos folder.

<?php function images($dir) {  $files1 = scandir($dir);    foreach ($files1 as $x=>$value)     {     if ($value == "." || $value == ".."){         unset($files1[$x]);      }     }      foreach ($files1 as $x=>$value)       {        echo "<li><img src=\"photos/$value\"></li>";       }      }     ?> 

and to call the function in this way

<div id="slideshow" > <?php images (photos);?> </div> 

In manual mode the slideshow works, while in automatic way, with the search of the images through php function, it doesn’t work. Can anyone help me out? Thank you mario

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