Inject service into controller in Symfony 2.8?

I’m really struggling to try to inject a service into a controller, I found some post and this is what I have tried:

I have a service called FormatService

services:     formats_service:             class: FormatsBundle\Services\FormatService 

I want it to be injected into FormatsController so I tried Defining Controllers as Services, then changed my entire routing as the docs states

app.formats_controller:         class: ABundle\Controller\FormatsController         arguments: ["@formats_service"] 

Doing this gives me an Error: Call to a member function has() on null error when I try to access to any endpoint from my control

Then I tried to gather it from the container doing something like this

public function __construct () {   $this->formatService = $this->container->get('formats_service'); } 

This gives me an error, $this->container seems to be null.

I did a research and found this post INJECT the container to my controller but the solution is the same thing I couldn’t accomplish from the 1st point, I cant inject services since to do so I need to define my controller as a service but doing so gives me Error: Call to a member function has() on null whenever I try to access to any endpoint from my controller

Is there any way to inject a service into a controller without doing an entire mess in Symfony 2.8?

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2 Answer(s)

When you use the controller you don’t need to declare it as a service because the controller have the container you can use php app/console debug:container to see if your service is in your container and you can use it directy into your actions

public function newAction() 


// the container will instantiate a new FormatService() $myService = $this->container->get('formats_service'); 


you can see more here

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When defining a controller as a service you have to inject the services directly without accessing the container. You can have a mixed approach when your controller extends Symfony’s base controller, but it is usually discouraged.

It should work if you modify your controller’s constructor:

public function __construct(FormatsBundle\Services\FormatService $formatService)  {     $this->formatService = $formatService; } 

edit: If you want to use the container in your controller you should either extend Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller or add use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareTrait, but again both is discouraged when using controllers as a service, because then you could just as well write a regular controller.

Answered on July 15, 2020.
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