Including ties in MySQL without a subquery?

Is there a better way to include ties in MySQL? I tried several things, but this is the only query that showed the ‘Top 2 products purchased by each customer with ties’. Basically, is there a way to do this without a subquery?

WITH tops AS (SELECT  CONCAT(c.first_name, " ", c.last_name) AS Customer,   brand, SUM(quantity) AS amount, DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY c.last_name, c.first_name ORDER BY SUM(quantity) DESC) AS rk   FROM customers c       JOIN orders o            ON = o.customer_id       JOIN order_items oi            ON = oi.order_id       JOIN products p            ON = oi.product_id           GROUP BY Customer, brand           ORDER BY c.last_name, amount DESC) SELECT   Customer, brand, amount   FROM tops   WHERE rk <=2 ; 
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