Images are overlapping on first gallery load
So I’m making a gallery page on my website using a filtering plugin called Isotop. The live gallery link:
What I’m facing right now is an issue with the first load on the page, the images overlap on each other and it is fixed when I go to one of the filters I have. (mobile and desktop have the same issue).
One fix I tried is to set a height for the images and it seems to work but it would ruin the masonry look of the gallery. Any suggestions on how I can make this better?` It also might the initialization of the Isotope grid that is not running on load.
Gallery JS:
// external js: isotope.pkgd.js // init Isotope var $grid = $('.grid').isotope({ itemSelector: '.element-item', layoutMode: 'masonry' //options: }); // filter functions var filterFns = { // // show if number is greater than 50 // numberGreaterThan50: function() { // var number = $(this).find('.number').text(); // return parseInt( number, 10 ) > 50; // }, // show if name ends with -ium ium: function() { var name = $(this).find('.name').text(); return name.match( /ium$/ ); } }; // bind filter button click $('.filters-button-group').on( 'click', 'span', function() { var filterValue = $( this ).attr('data-filter'); // use filterFn if matches value filterValue = filterFns[ filterValue ] || filterValue; $grid.isotope({ filter: filterValue }); }); // change is-checked class on buttons $('.button-group').each( function( i, buttonGroup ) { var $buttonGroup = $( buttonGroup ); $buttonGroup.on( 'click', 'span', function() { $buttonGroup.find('.active').removeClass('active'); $( this ).addClass('active'); }); });
The relevant CSS:
/* ---- .element-item ---- */ .element-item { /*height: 150px;*/ } /*@media (min-width: 992px){*/ /* .filtr-item{*/ /* height: 150px;*/ /* }*/ /*}*/ /*POTENTIAL FIXES FOR OVERLAPPING IMAGES ABOVE^^^*/ /*-----------------------------------------------*/ /*@media (min-width: 460px){*/ /* .col-sm-3 {*/ /* flex: 0 0 25%;*/ /* max-width: 25%;*/ /* }*/ /*}*/ @media (max-width: 576px){ .filtr-item { flex: 0 0 33%; max-width: 33%; } } @media (max-width: 350px){ .filtr-item { flex: 0 0 50%; max-width: 50%; } } .filtr-container { margin: 0 -4px; } .filtr-item img{ border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; } .filtr-item a{ transition: .5s ease !important; } /*image hover effect*/ @media only screen and (min-width: 600px){ .filtr-item a:hover { -webkit-transform: scale(1.05); transform: scale(1.05); box-shadow: 0 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) !important; } } .filtr-item { padding: 4px; } .filtr-controls { font-family: Gilroy; font-weight: 700; text-align: center; font-size: 18px; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 30px 0 15px; transition: .5s ease; } .filtr-controls span { display: inline-block; font-size: 15px; margin: 5px 10px; cursor: pointer; padding: 5px 0; position: relative; color: white; background-color: #323232; border-radius: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; transition: .5s ease; } .filtr-controls span:hover, .filtr-controls { color: #0fc3f9; transition: .5s ease; } .filtr-controls { font-family: FontAwesome; content: '\f111 '; font-size:6px; width: 0; height: 0px; position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 46%; background: transparent; -webkit-transition: all .6s ease; transition: all .6s ease; } /*.filtr-controls {*/ /* width: 100%;*/ /* left: 0;*/ /* background: #000;*/ /*}*/ /*@media (max-width:300px) {*/ /* .filtr-item {*/ /* width: 100%;*/ /* }*/ /*}*/ .filtr-item > a { position: relative; display: block; } .filtr-item > a:before, .filtr-item > a:after { -webkit-transition: all .6s ease; transition: all .6s ease; } .filtr-item > a:before { content: ' '; position: absolute; z-index: 10; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; background: transparent; transition: .5s ease; }
Just figured it out, I used a body onload function that runs when all of the images have finished loading
<script> function run(){ var $grid = $('.grid').isotope({ itemSelector: '.element-item', layoutMode: 'masonry' //options: }); } </script>