How to use Bluetooth in C#/.net?
I’m trying to do an UI with C# on Visual Studio (on PC[windows10]) and connect some bluetooth devices. I’m using Windows.Devices.Radios & Windows.Devices.Bluetooth, but I have some troubles with that. After few steps I try to use the bluetooth when I press a button. This is the code
private async void btnStart_ClickAsync(object sender, EventArgs e) { Repl test = new Repl(); var radio = await Radio.RequestAccessAsync(); if (access != RadioAccessStatus.Allowed) { return; } BluetoothAdapter adapter = await BluetoothAdapter.GetDefaultAsync(); if (null != adapter) { var btRadio = await adapter.GetRadioAsync(); if (bluetoothState) { await btRadio.SetStateAsync(RadioState.On); } else { await btRadio.SetStateAsync(RadioState.Off); } } string connect = $"connect {macRight}\r\n"; //string start = "start\r\n"; await BaseCommands.repl.ParseLine(connect); }
after the 1st request I’m always in the "return;" I saw some people saying use x32 or x64 and x86. I already try that but I don’t know why it doesn’t work for me … I also saw some post saying change something in the Manifest, but I don’t know where to find it :/ I’m a beginner with C#/.NET so if someone can help me to fix that i will appreciate =) PS : I have another project which use bluetooth and it work perfectly so I have no ideas to fix my own project …