how to show an image after pca?

I have a RGB image. I want to apply PCA for image-compression and see the output after the application.

Here’s what I tried to do:

from PIL import Image import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  ------  def load_image(infilename):    img =    img.load()    data = np.asarray(img, dtype="int32")    return data ---------  data = load_image("Image_for_pca.jpg") r = data[:,:,0] print("r", r.shape) g = data[:,:,1] print("g", g.shape) b = data[:,:,2] print("b", b.shape) concat_matrix_image = np.hstack((np.hstack((r,g)),b)) print("concatMatrixImage", concat_matrix_image.shape)  output of the prints: r (161, 212) g (161, 212) b (161, 212) concatMatrixImage (161, 636)  # list of dimension pca_number_of_wanted_dimension = [3 ,5 ,10 ,15 ,20 ,30] ------- def create_pca_model(number_of_components):    pca = PCA(n_components=number_of_components)    return pca ------- def plot_varience_on_pca(pca):    plt.plot(np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_))    plt.title("The number of wanted dimension is {}".format(pca.n_components))    plt.xlabel('number of components')    plt.ylabel('cumulative explained variance')    ------    def recover_pic(pca, principal_components):    #Project lower dimension data onto original features    approximation = pca.inverse_transform(principal_components)        approximation = approximation.reshape(-1,161,212)     # approximation = approximation.astype(np.uint8)    # print(approximation.shape)    # img = Image.fromarray(approximation, 'RGB')    -------        for i in pca_number_of_wanted_dimension:       pca =  create_pca_model(i)       principal_components = pca.fit_transform(concat_matrix_image)       print(principal_components.shape)       recover_pic(pca, principal_components)       plot_varience_on_pca(pca) 

How to recover the picture after the pca.inverse_transform?

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