How to remove blank line in csv file using laravel maatwebsite
I want to export csv file using Maatwebsite in laravel. The process is running well, but in the csv file contains blank line in last data when i open it using notepad. Displayed at image below
This is the function to get the data
public function view(): View { $data = DB::table('transaction as a') ->join('transaction_details as b', '', 'b.header_id') ->select('b.order_number', 'b.changed_number') ->whereIn('', $this->id) ->where('a.approve', 1) ->get(); return view('vendor.voyager.transaction.excel-csv.generate-csv', [ 'data' => $data ]); } public function getCsvSettings(): array { return [ 'enclosure' => '' ]; }
This is function to call the function above
public function generate(Request $request) { $id = $request->ids; return Excel::store(new ExportTransaction($id), 'test.csv', 'ftp'); }
How to solve my problem to remove blank line in the csv fie