How to read all the files of OneDrive and copy it with Python

I am trying to sync my whole OneDrive to AWS S3. For this purpose, I want to read all the files and folders in OneDrive (so that I can write them in AWS S3). How do I either get a list of all the files and files in the folders for OneDrive? I plan to read all files in the form of a data frame and then write it to AWS S3.

The code that I am using right now reads a file from OneDrive that is mentioned explicitly in my code. The code is from this answer

import sys, os, time, requests import pandas as pd import urllib.parse  OneDrive_FilePath = 'New Folder/Knox EARNSTSALV2020.xlsx'  OneDrive_FileURL = '' + OneDrive_FilePath + ':/content' OneDrive_FileURL = urllib.parse.quote(OneDrive_FileURL, safe=':/') print(OneDrive_FileURL)  Client_Id = 'XXXX' Tenant_Id = 'YYYYY' Refresh_Token_First = 'ZZZZZ'  PostStr = {'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'client_id': Client_Id, 'refresh_token': Refresh_Token_First}  Token_Response ='' + Tenant_Id + '/oauth2/v2.0/token', data=PostStr)  Access_Token = Token_Response.json()['access_token'] New_Refresh_Token = Token_Response.json()['refresh_token']  if Access_Token is None or New_Refresh_Token is None:     print('\n> Failed: Access_Token NOT Retrieved')     sys.exit()  Response = requests.get(OneDrive_FileURL, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + Access_Token})  if Response.status_code == 200:     print('\n> Response Success')      with open('Excel File.xlsx', 'wb') as File:     File.write(Response.content)     print('\n> File Downloaded') else:     print('\n> Failed:', Response.status_code)     print(Response.content) python-3.x azure python-requests  

I would like to read all the content instead of just a mentioned file.

How can I do that?

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1 Answer(s)

According to documentation, you can list the files in a folder and then download:

response = requests.get('/drives/{drive-id}/root:/New Folder/children', headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + Access_Token})  content = json.loads(response.content) for file in content.values:     file_response = requests.get(f'/drives/{drive-id}/root:/New Folder/{}/content', headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + Access_Token})     with open(, 'wb') as dest_file:         dest_file.write(file_response.content) 
Answered on July 16, 2020.
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